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"Well they both love me and I love them, they love each other. Besides, Don can't conceive. The only way for me to have a baby that's his was for him to bear one with another of my mates. They were already together," he gave me a questioning look. "It's complicated we'll explain that later. And Honey wanted to be next to have a baby so she and Don had Coco. She might not be mine genetically but she's mine. I got to watch her conceived." I said wiggling my eyebrows. He laughed.

"Any pending births."

"Yep. Lets see, Iggy is four weeks pregnant with twins, a boy and girl. Emmy is four week pregnant as well, a boy. Alex is six weeks pregnant with a girl. They are all mine. Honey is six weeks pregnant with another girl and we're pretty sure her's is actually hers and Alex. Didn't get to see her conceived but I'm hoping for reenactment," he laughed with me "Angie is four weeks pregnant with another girl. Lucas is five weeks pregnant with twin boys. His case is a little more complicated. He was attacked and raped a week before we met. I'd flown out to check on him when I was told and found out he was my mate. He's had trouble with it but I think we finally over came that. Libby is four weeks pregnant as well twin girls. Last but not least Mark, four weeks, twin boys. And since I've yet to miss with sex and no condom I'm going to assume for simplicity sake, you now." I saw his jaw drop.

"You seriously think so?"

"Oh yes. I've never missed."


"Never." I laughed at his shocked look. "What better way to cement you being my mate then to have a baby. Do you mind?"

"No. It's a little quick but I don't mind." he was smiling.

"Oh I should also mention that we found out that Ethan is a shaman, Honey's little girl will be as well."

"How do you know that?"

"Ethan told us. Also, Nate has found his mate already in a boy a few weeks older than him that he's known all his life. Lucian, his family is in our pack. They are inseparable when together. Also after adopting Timmy we found out that he and Coco are mates. She does not leave his side unless forced too."

"I bet they are too cute together."

"I think so. Some of the others are a little wary since they are so young." he chuckled.

"Anything else I should know?"

"Hmm, let me see. I think that's the highlights. But I'm sure the others will keep you busy for days letting you know everything that's happened for us. Oh, well I guess one thing I'll explain," I said as I dropped the truck into park in the drive of the house he'd been in. "Libby is a turn. She's a mermaid." as we got out and went in I explained about her. He was frowning at me as I stopped.

"If Iggy was so upset with a girl who knew you and had a tie to you, a complete stranger suddenly swooping in, I don't think he's going to be too happy with me. As your Luna they'll follow his lead. I'll admit I'm a little worried about how he's going to react." he gathered up his things. A duffle of clothes, a few personal things. A sleeping bag, blanket, pillow, and a few bathroom things.

"Did you know that this house actually is inside silver lake territory?" he jerked up.

"No it's just outside of it."

"Nope. The lines were redrawn a few years ago. This house actually sits just inside the new line. I'm surprised the patrols didn't find you. I should probably mention that silver lake alpha is Iggy's father." Rance just shakes his head at me.

"Are you connected to everyone?"

"Seems like it sometimes. Ready to go?" he nodded. I helped him carry out his things. We'd just gotten in when I see two wolves step from the trees. I wait until they get to the truck and roll my window down.

The Alpha's Mates: Family is all you needWhere stories live. Discover now