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I slipped to Trace's link.

'Be gentle but try a kiss. I want to see what he does.'


'Because he wants you and won't say it. I'll explain that later. If you don't mind kissing him that is.'

'I don't mind.' No, in fact he felt pleasure at the suggestion. Trace rolled Mark to his back so he was leaning over him. He moved slow to give Mark time to understand and object if he wanted too. But he didn't he laid there, still, as Trace pressed their lips together. The slight kiss I suggested took a turn and Marks arms went around Trace's shoulders. Trace rose up and slid between Marks legs. I just watched as Mark moaned and welcomed Trace.

"Trace, I want you. Is that alright?" He asked nervously.

"It's very alright. I want you too. I want to be inside you, can I?" I smiled at the oh so sweet and gentle way they were being.

"Yes. Please." Trace flipped the blankets away so that he could move unfettered. Slipping his cock to Marks entrance he pressed gently. The strokes were slow the passion high, and when they broke and came together I knew that I'd witnessed the start of a new pairing. But now I was hard and wasn't sure what to do about it. Then I had an idea. I'd been neglecting my mates. But Libby seemed to be having the hardest time. I turned and went to find her. She was just getting in the shower. I felt a jerk in my link.

'I know where you are headed and I can tell you now that I'm not in a position to be writhing. I'm holding a baby.' Rance tells me. Damn it I had forgotten him again. I'd forgotten him with my impromptu loving earlier with Don. What was wrong with me.

'I'll behave then.'

'Try some hot coffee instead.'

'Good idea.' I head for the kitchen and try to ignore my brain that is still in my shorts. Rance is there holding Ness. I wiggle her toes as I sip my coffee.

"You look great like that you know." I tell him.

"I'm actually gonna be prepared when our babies get here." I crouched next to him.

"I forgot you again really early this morning, I was with Don." Rance nodded.

"I was asleep, I didn't even have to wake anyone, I came, I was barely half awake. Slid right back to sleep."

"I'm sorry. I really am. I don't know what's wrong with me."

"Nothings wrong with you. There are twelve of us. If you remembered everything all the time you'd be god, and as much as we love you, we know you aren't god."

"Darn there goes my self image." I tease. As I stand I kiss his cheek. I really needed to find a way to remember him. As I fixed myself some breakfast I fiddled with the rings on my hand. My mates. I had twelve of them. Was I just doomed to never be enough for all of them? Was I constantly going to be worried about neglecting one of them or forgetting someone? I'd been told more than once that I'd be able to handle them all but I think goddess was insane. I couldn't handle twelve mates and be king to an entire people. Not to mention the twenty something kids I had. How could I be a successful father to them all. I felt panic drag at me. Turning the stove off I hit the back door at a brisk pace.

"Luke." Rance called after me. I headed for the back gate. I needed to move to think. Before I could get there I tripped to a stop. I couldn't take off like this. I would worry them all if I did. I sighed and turned. Mark was halfway to me.

"Luke, what's wrong?" he asked as he got to me. I bent and wrapped my arms around him tightly.

"I don't want to fail you." I say giving voice to my biggest fear. That I'd fail my mates, my kids, my people.

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