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AN: Tissues, a tub of ice cream with a spoon, and a best friend to cry with, are my recommendation this week. 'Life's what happens when you are busy making other plans'

I floated through the next couple days just letting habit keep me going. With nine other mates I shouldn't feel as rejected as I did but it was there. I had nine mates, and enough kids to worry for that I shouldn't have enough time to feel so bad about Mark.

"Today's Friday. Let's go out to eat. The whole family." Honey said from behind her desk.

"I'm curious how much we can eat at golden corral before they cut us off." I laughed.

"Sure." Even Ness came along though I called doc to ask first. He said to keep her down as much as possible but it should be alright. I tried not to let my eyes linger on Marks table through the day. He hadn't come back after I'd ordered him out of the house.

Dinner was loud, and lots of fun. My mates did manage to eat tons of food. I was sure the manager thought they hadn't eaten in days from the plates that littered the table. The kids were wiped out when we arrived home. We got them changed and into bed. Slipping into bed I smiled as Ness and Angie slipped into bed with me.

Getting up Saturday morning I tucked them back in and headed for a shower and then coffee before starting work. I was just sitting down at my desk when I hear my name screamed. I dart for the bedroom. Angie is on her knees in the bed the blanket is flipped back and a red blood stain is spreading from between Ness' legs. I jumped for Ness.

"Call the doc, where's Alex."

"Alex!" She screamed. Alex flew into the door and then pushed me away so he could get to her. Alex was a nurse he could help.

"Luke the clinic now." I grabbed her up and hurried as fast as I dared to the basement clinic.

"Ness, Ness you need to wake up now." I tried as I laid her down. "Sleeps over rated. You need to wake up." Alex felt for her pulse. "Alex?"

"Her pulse is really weak."

"The blood?"

"I don't know. She might be miscarrying but that's a lot of blood." I looked around.

"Did someone call the doc?"

"Yes, he's on his way. I've got the front door already open." Don says.

"The kids?"

"Honey and Lucas have them up in the play room. They know something is wrong but are calm for now." I nodded. I was petting Ness' hair and talking to her trying to get her awake when the doc comes in. I'm pushed aside as he and Alex examine Ness. Alex is asked about what happened. He gets out his stethoscope and listens.

"Doc?" I ask as he frowns. He moves from her heart to the babies. I see his face fall as he goes back to listening to Ness.

"Doc, please." Alex has a hold of Ness' wrist and panic is setting in. He turns to me and shakes his head.

"Luke, she's gone."

"What, that's impossible." I jerk him aside and lift Ness cradling her in my arms.

"Ness, come on baby wake up. Open your eyes." She's completely limp in my arms I prop her head up and kiss her lips her forehead her cheeks. "Shawnessy Juliet you open your damn eyes and look at me." I know tears are streaming down my face but I don't care.

"Come on you are supposed to wake up now. You and I are having babies. You can't leave me now. Please. Wake up damn it." I yell but her eyes stay closed her body limp. I look at the doc.

The Alpha's Mates: Family is all you needWhere stories live. Discover now