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AN: Stay tuned, at the end of this page will be a small excerpt from further into the story.

When we woke in the morning Don was in the middle sprawled face down. Iggy had Ness cushioned on him and Emmy was laying across me. I smiled. Looking over to the other bed Alex was spooned with honey behind him and Lucas and Angie were cuddled facing each other. I slide from under Emmy carefully and go to find my phone. It's got a low battery but it's enough it take pictures of them in the beds. I was going to remember last night for a very long time. Letting them sleep I slipped into a shower then into clothes and headed to see if the kids were up. Coco was up and already in the play room. I laughed. There really was no reason to have her in a crib when she got out of it whenever she wanted. The boys were stirring but not up yet. Kiara was up the minute I went in with Coco to get her dressed.

"Daddy, I've been thinking maybe we should move my bed and coco's if she has to pass my bed to leave I might wake up. I don't want her to get hurt if she gets up and is alone." I smiled at her.

"That is a very good idea. We'll mention it to papa Don. He can help us move your things around. See I knew you would always be a great big sister just they way you are." She grinned. "Better get dressed. Your mama's and papa's are all asleep. I want to get breakfast going as a surprise for them. Will you watch Coco while I cook?"

"Sure. You want me to make sure the boys dress?"

"That's another good idea." I kiss her cheek and leave her to help them. She really would be a great alpha and queen some day. Like the day before I made a full breakfast. The kids had all come down to sit and watch me cook.

"Hey lets have fun with your parents." I gave each of the older four, two pieces of bacon to tease their parents with. They ran off quickly giggling. They came back a few minutes later laughing.

"They are up. Papa ate his quick and then stole the rest of mommy's piece before she could eat it." I laughed. Iggy had always been a bacon addict.

"So they are up?"

"Yep. Gonna shower and dress they said. Mama Angie asked if you could make some gravy without meat in it."

"I can do that. Can you kids set the table?"

"Yes." Kiara directed her brothers on what to do. They just followed her directions never caring that she was bossy. She was an alpha and they were beta's.

"Daddy, would it make you upset if I said that mama's baby is going to be like me." Ethan asked. I frowned and looked at him after flipping the pancakes.

"What do you mean like you?" I crouched as he came over to stand next to me. He lifted his hand where the thin blue line was starting to show.

"Louise, she's gonna have these like me. The lady in my dreams says she's gonna be special like me and that I'll have to teach her how to be a shaman. The lady thinks you are going to be upset. It's alright isn't it that she's special like me." I swallowed hard. I just learned that Honey was having a girl and what her name was going to be as well as that my daughter was going to be a shaman like Ethan. I cleared my throat.

"Yes, it's alright. Being special is a good thing. She'll be in good hands with you looking after her." I say and boop his nose.

"I will I promise."

"That's my good little boy. Better get to your place I hear them coming down." He ran over and sat in his place. I sat everything but the eggs I wanted to make to order on the table. They came in Alex first. They just grinned and stared.

The Alpha's Mates: Family is all you needWhere stories live. Discover now