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When I woke I was still holding Lucas but Don was up and gone. I smile and trail a hand over his cheek. My sweet Lucas. In such a short time he'd managed to relax pretty well. I heard my phone alarm go off. Looks like I didn't have time to make love to him. Work was calling. I'd been neglecting it a lot lately. I had to get to work. I got up took a shower and headed for the kitchen. My family was up and only part of them were still in the kitchen. Libby and Emmy were sitting at the table. As I came in I saw them smile at me.

"Oh lord there it is again. I'm not going to ask."

"She was just explaining about your Full moon Luna link and all the side effects."

"We definitely have cornered the market in unusual metaphysics. I'll let them explain our complications." I gave them each a kiss then Kiara and Timmy who were still eating breakfast and headed for my office with a cup of coffee in hand. Honey was already there.

"Good morning." I say kissing her cheek.

"No it's not." My eyebrows go up.


"You got a call, the phone was ringing as I walked in the door. It was Walter Bridge." Walter was a beta over some wolves I had under me.

"I'm guessing everything isn't alright."

"No, they had a run in with a set of panthers. Two of the group are dead and the panthers are saying that they were attacked unprovoked. The Panther council has an email sent in about it. They are demanding that the pack be held accountable. They are sending a representative here to talk to you about it."

"I better call Walter." I headed for my desk. Walter answered on the first ring. He explained that they'd found the panthers in their territory. They'd attempted to tell the panthers they were trespassing and the two panthers attacked. I was more inclined to believe them then the panthers since two of my pack were dead. I should have felt them die. But they were cross country from me and the link did have it's limits. I assured Walter that I did believe him and would see to the panthers.

The representative of the panthers would arrive tomorrow according to the email. I was typing out an email reply to the panthers when Mark steps into the office. I smile at him. Emmy is just behind him she's got Angie and Lucas with her. I was getting a lot of help finally.

"Good morning." I greet Mark. He's a little nervous. Probably after the upset yesterday. Before I can figure out where to start Libby pops in the door. My pup is up and wanting to greet her properly. She's a new mate, just claimed we wanted to keep her naked for another day or two. I kept in place though. No need to upset Mark again so quickly. Libby ever the forward one smiles at him.

"Hi, we didn't get a chance to meet properly yesterday. I'm Libby." She holds out her hand. He smiles politely and shakes it.


"I want to apologize for any upset I caused."

"It's not your fault. I'm afraid it's just my own issues being a pain."

"Either way I hope we can be friends." He nodded. Libby turned to me.

"Honey is going to ride with me home and help me gather a few things to bring here. Iggy's already offered to buy out my lease. He also suggested we might need another bed for the second suite. He suggested Honey and I go past and order another bed."

"That's a good idea. Do you need any extra hands?" I ask.

"No, we've got it. We'll be back later." Honey stood from her desk where she was going to leave Lucas to work while she was gone. They had to have figured this out earlier. It's probably why she was in here early, she knew she was leaving for a while. After they were gone I smiled at Mark.

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