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Don was right. As soon as I walked in my mates were popping out of the living room to find out.

"Yes. I am." I say and head for the kitchen. I wanted a drink. Since I was pregnant I'd stick with juice despite the fact I wanted some vodka in it.

"But how?"

"His womb regrew." Iggy snorted at that.

"See baby crazy, even his body knows it."

"So how long after he said you were did you ask him to get rid of it?" Emmy asked crossly. I glanced at Lucas.

"Not long." I saw his face pull to pain and hurt. I rushed over. "But I didn't. I can't and not just because I was basically ordered you not to but because I can't do that. They are innocent. I'm sorry I even thought it." He put his arms around me.

"I understand. I know how you felt." I hugged him tightly.

"So any idea who might be daddy?" Honey asked.

"We don't know. Doc said he couldn't really say for sure. I topped him then two days later Don topped him, so who knows." Alex explains.

"I will admit I'm a little torn. Being pregnant the first time Alex tops me or," I turn to Don. "getting a second chance." I go over to Don. He slips a hand behind my head and pulls me in for a kiss.

"No matter what happens. I love you." I tighten my hold on him.

"I love you too." I pulled back. "So where are the kids?"

"Upstairs, trying to understand how daddy could be pregnant, since he's an alpha and alpha's don't get pregnant."

"They are seven and younger what do they know about pregnancy?"

"Enough to know to ask how you could be pregnant. Kiara being the helpful one was trying to explain how babies were made."

"While Nate was grinning saying he knew he'd like having babies with Lucian." Mark said laughing. I rolled my eyes.

"Good lord. That's it all access to internet and the TV is cut off." I say groaning. "My babies are seven and younger."

"Well while we go check on them you need to go relax." Iggy says.

"Forget it I want to see my kids." I say and head for the stairs. I find them in their playroom a you tube video on the computer.

"What are you watching?" Emmy says when a fetus pops onto the screen. Kiara flips the computer closed.


"Computer, now." Kiara hands it over.

"I was just showing them how babies are made."

"I think it's an education none of you need."

"Daddy, I know since I'm a girl I get to have babies even though I'm an alpha. But you are a boy, how is it possible." I wasn't going to get out of this. I sat and waved her to me.

"Well you probably know that papa and I have a Full Moon Luna link. You seem to know everything else." She giggled.

"Yes. It makes you and him special. You can switch places and not be as angry as other alphas."

"Well because of that I can get pregnant."

"So you were pregnant before and lost the baby?" I nodded.

"Will you lose this one?"

"I don't know, but I hope not. According to the doctor it's twins." She smiled. "Alright now you tell me something, how is you know so much about all this?"

The Alpha's Mates: Family is all you needWhere stories live. Discover now