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I'd loved Alex and knotted him but I hadn't actually had a chance to love Honey. She slid into the desire easily.

"So, dessert. Any requests for tonight. I feel the need for sweets."

"Hmm, since you got back I felt you through Alex but I haven't actually had that lovely knot of yours inside me. You've had a power jump. Don says it's a noticeably different. I'm thinking you should stretch out and let me see if it still fits." I grin and drop my pants. My briefs were a little tight since my power jump but I'd not bothered to replace them yet. She tugs at my briefs until they slide down to pool with my pants. I jerk my shirt off and drop it as well. Going over to the bed I kiss each of the men laying there before stretching out next to them. She slips the night gown up and her panties down but doesn't remove the thin cotton nightie. She slides over my waist and bends to kiss me. That light kiss had my body coming to life as she kissed and caressed me. Sliding my hand down her body then up under that nightie. The pale pink cotton was a sharp contrast to her dark skin. I could hear Alex moan next to me. Honey looked over, I followed her gaze and saw that Don had slipped past Lucas and was kissing and caressing Alex. Honey wriggled on top of me.

"How to focus under that much pleasure, I have no idea. Luke you are gonna have to take over." She says breathy. I chuckle and flip her to her back. She's losing touch with reality as I see that with the pair of us working on them they are lost to the pleasure. I sink inside Honey in one long push. She grunts at my new size but locks her legs around my waist.

"Are you alright?" I ask concerned.

"Holy cow are you filling me up. Better go slow at first, at this rate I may shift before I actually can orgasm. My kitty is very ready to play." I chuckle and kiss her. We turn and look at Alex and Don as we hear a gasp. My eyebrows fly up as we see Lucas on his back under Alex whose deep inside of him, then Don is deep inside Alex.

"God that's hot." I say. I want to watch this but I don't want to stop thqrusting in Honey. Getting an idea I slip out of her and pull her up. I turn her to face the guys and spread her legs and thrust up inside her so we can both watch them. As I thrust inside of her tight pussy I watch the other three lost to their own love making. I feel a roll through Honey as she tightens almost painfully on me and cums. Alex cries out pumping deep inside Lucas as he cums as well. Don is next with a long groan. The sight of my mates so fulfilled has me coming as well. My mind doesn't enjoy the completion though, I'm watching Lucas. How would he do with Alex cuming inside of him and being straight to wolf shape above him. Don slips a hand past Alex to Lucas and caresses his cheek. I wonder if they are talking among themselves. Alex slides from between them and I see Don lean up and kiss Lucas lightly. Yeah they are definitely talking among themselves. As I watch I see Lucas kiss Don back and it goes deeper. Their bodies are moving together and before I think they realize it Don is deep inside Lucas and thrusting into him gently over and over. I feel the need to move and roll my hips, my knot moving inside Honey. She moans and Alex slides around behind me.

'Luke, is it okay if...' I grinned wide. He wanted to top me. I bent Honey forward as I lean over her back. Alex slips behind me, his fur mixing with the light dusting of fur over my half form.

"It's always okay." I tell him as I feel him, for the first time, take a place over me and thrust inside of me. He moves fast inside of me. Honey is moaning and rolling her hips. Soon the five of us are coming again. It's a major high to feel Alex inside of me. He'd never wanted to do this before. He'd conquered his fear of being taken from behind, now he'd topped me. It showed how secure he felt that he could follow his desire like this. In full form we lay together. I lick over Honey's cheek and turn my head to look at Alex who is still trying to breath normally.

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