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By the time I get up the next morning I'm exhausted but feeling awesome. I had to head to the Hyena house again. I knew that I'd take Rance, he and I were tied and I wanted him close by. I found that I like feeling him and if I kept him close I would get little bits here and there. I grinned wondering who I'd take to work. I'd made love to Libby, Angie, Iggy, and Emmy. I had a couple three In mind, and excuses to go with them. I found them all in the kitchen serving the kids before they were bundled off to school.

"Breakfast before you go?" Emmy asks.

"Yep. Hey Mark, I was wondering if you'd go with me, look over the financials see if they are really as well off as they think."

"Sure. You eat. I'll grab my laptop and a couple things."

"I'd like to take Lucas let him win over the omega's and so I don't worry about him, Don will you come and keep an eye on him for me?" There we go I had my selection. I ate my eggs and bacon then went around to lean between Alex and Honey.

"When I get home I think I'm going to need some sherbet and honey cake after dinner." They both grin as I pinch their asses and head for the door. With my four mates I head to work.

"So Mark's going to work on numbers, I don't envy him. Lucas is to make the omega's feel better and not so trod on. Don is protection. Why am I going?" Rance asks me.

"Because you know the lay of the land and are a good source of information."

"Yeah. You do realize while we know that you found actual work for us, we know you wanted mates for morning, and afternoon snacks." Lucas says. I laughed.

"Oh my dastardly plot for seduction has been found out. Oh well, I'll make sure I make those snacks are filling just the same." When we got to the house I let Rance show Lucas around with Don trailing and Mark and I got to work on the financials. About eleven I was watching him chew his pen as he read through more bills from the business and the picture of that mouth around my cock runs around in my head. I tapped my link to Rance.

'Hey whatcha doing?'

'Wandering, pocking my nose all the places I wasn't allowed to go before. Did you know they have a game room, complete with an original working Nintendo?'

'I did not. Better head for the office. I'm going to prepare my morning snack.' I could feel his laughter. Standing from my chair I head for Mark. I'd had a table and chair brought in for him. I'd found out yesterday that they kept all kinds of things stored nearby. There was also a bedroom through a door in one wall that still had a ready made bed. I'd checked earlier to make sure. I leaned on the back of Marks chair.

"So how goes it?"

"He was the devil but he was meticulous in business and his money. Nothing went unaccounted for, and he's got a savings that rivals yours. Which by the way how did you want this, combined or left on their own."

"On their own. As large as they are, if an alpha could be found for them I'd turn them over."

"Right. Also..." he trailed off as I slipped my hands to his waist.

"You are working hard, you should take a break." I slip him up from his chair and turn him into my arms. "I'm thinking mint chocolate over some carrot cake." Mark bites his lip. "You okay?"

"Yes, it's just... this office isn't as secure as the one at home. There are more people to walk in."

"I have a fix for that." Rance came in smiling. I beckoned him and led Mark to the bedroom. Rance comes in, shuts, then locks the door. I can see that Mark is watching him nervously. I sat on the edge of the bed.

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