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I knew when three o'clock was there my kids were slamming open and closed the front door. But I knew something wasn't right when LJ races up the stairs and into my office.

"Daddy Kiara's got a bloody nose."

"She what?" I stand and hurry downstairs to find Iggy kneeling with a handful of Kleenex over Kiara's nose.

"Baby girl are you alright?"

"I'm fine." She says around the tissues.

"The bloody nose says different." Iggy points out.

"What happened? Did you fall off the bus?" I checked the other kids, then I noticed that Nate had red eyes and Timmy's chin was wobbling.

"What happened?" I asked them as a group.

"One of the kids on the bus started teasing Nate about being mated to Lucian. Saying that it just showed that Lucian was a freak if he wanted to be mated to a snake like Nate." LJ explained. "Called him creepy then somehow he knew that Timmy and Coco are mates and started saying that we were all freaks if brother and sister were mated to each other."

"How could they know that?"

"The teacher at school was excited this morning because she met her mate yesterday. I told her that I had a mate too. I didn't think the kids would be so mean about it." Timmy said starting to cry again. I hear stuttered steps and knew it was Coco coming down the stairs. She hurried over to Timmy and hugged him.

"Why you cry?" She asked.

"It's okay. Kids were being mean but I'm home with you so it's okay now." He said and hugged her back.

"So how does this all lead to Kiara having a bloody nose?"

"Kiara heard James doing it and told him to stop, that he was stupid and didn't know what he was talking about. He said that she was just a girl and he'd beat her and us up if he wanted because we were all weirdo's. She said that she might be a girl but she was alpha and he was just a beta and she'd kick his ass. So he punched her in the nose." I turned to my daughter.

"And what did you do in retaliation?" She looked away pursing her lips. "Answer me Kiara." She sighed.

"I hit him back. I might have a bloody nose but he's got a black eye and broken arm."

"You broke his arm?" Iggy asked sharply.

"Not on purpose. After he hit me we were wrestling, I hit him in the eye and he fell back and his arm broke. The bus driver was really mad. He skipped half the bus ride to bring us straight home." She said. I looked out the front door. Had he left with the hurt kid yet? Nope the bus was still there and he was out of it with a kid, a woman and Doc Baker.

"Shit." I said.

"Luke the kids." Iggy admonished.

"Sorry. I'll be right back." I stepped around them and headed for the end of the drive. The woman saw me coming and her face went red.

"Do you have any idea what that heathen of a child did to my son?"

"Gave him a black eye and broke his arm. Do you know what yours did?"

"He said she started it."

"Oh really. I think it was the rather foul names he was calling my sons that started it." I looked at the boy he was cowering under my alpha power. "Will you tell your mother what you said or should I call one of my sons to repeat it."

"Like I'd believe anything they said." She said scoffing.

"My son Ethan is shaman, you know they are forbidden to lie shall I ask him out here. I doubt you would call him a liar." I called to Ethan and he came running across the yard to me. "Ethan will you show this woman your lines?" He held out his hands where the blue lines were clearly visible. "Now, as I said he's shaman he cannot lie. Ethan will you tell her what her son said on the bus." He repeated nearly word for word what her son said and waited. She was pale and staring at her son.

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