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"Do I need to send someone for more scotch." I ask him seeing that he'd downed half the glass.

"Only if they sell it by the barrel." He says. "I'm not so good with crowds and I keep having this urge to go in and growl at anyone who dares to look at her. How much longer is this going to go on?"

"It's scheduled till seven. I'll make a brief announcement about her and then thank everyone for coming. They'll get the hint and start heading out. If you don't mind, I do have something I was hoping you'd help with." He was instantly full attention on me. "We managed to ferret out that Timmy and Coco are mates." He groans.

"Not Coco, our little bean is two."

"Yes. She's been following Timmy around constantly. Honey has her right now. She tried to follow him into the bathroom. I don't want Honey to overwhelmed with anything. Will you go help her out?"

"Of course." He kissed me and headed off. I went for the pool. I found Libby in half shape. The baby blue swim tank top I had bought her was in place as she made laps in the pool. I crouched and waited for her to get to the end I was at. She smiled as she came up and saw me.

"Hi. I see I've been found."

"Angie narked on you. You okay?" I ask frowning in concern. She smiled at me.

"I still get such a warm fuzzy feeling seeing you so worried for me. I love you Luke."

"I love you to Liberty." She laughed.

"Only you will ever get away with using my name."

"Feeling alright?" I ask. She nods.

"Yes. A little stressed but if you are worried about the twins and I then no worries we are feeling just fine."

"Is it to much to hope that you have twins just like you." She chuckled.

"Well you never know I might. You do seem to have the luck in getting a diverse family. If it's alright I'll stay here. I don't think I can be nice to strangers anymore."

"It's okay. I'll lotion up your tail later."

"Thank you." She lifted up for a kiss before resuming her laps. We'd found that the pool water dried out her tail so after each lengthy swim I would lotion up her tail really well to keep her from drying out. Heading back inside I tried to decide what to do next. My choice was made when I hear quiet arguing. I head for the hallway and find Mark hands clenched toe to toe with a Jaguar. I pulled my pregnant mate back from the jaguar.

"Something wrong?"

"I want him thrown out." Mark said brooking no argument.

"Alright." I signaled to two pack members who stepped forward. "Just out of curiosity, why am I doing this."

"This bastard had the audacity to first, make a joke of Ness' dying, insulted both Iggy and Nate by make a rather rude comment about snakes, and capped it with a comment about having so many mates, and not in a he's impressed kind of way." I turned to the two pack members.

"Throw him out and you don't have to be nice about it." They grabbed him up as he sputtered.

"What did he say about Ness?"

"Said that he couldn't blame her for offing herself to get away from the rest of, and I quote, 'these freaks'. He then said you were the head freak who mated to a nasty ass snake and spawned one as well. Then he said the only reason you had so many mates is because no one else would take them." Yeah now I hoped they really did rough him up a little.

"I'm assuming he didn't say this directly to you."

"He was talking into his phone. I was sitting on the bench here near the bathroom in case I had more trouble and heard the whole thing." I pulled him in and kissed his forehead.

The Alpha's Mates: Family is all you needWhere stories live. Discover now