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I head for suite one. Emmy and Iggy are already in bed. Rance is sitting up in bed sorting his electric cords. I just shake my head and go sit next to Iggy on the bed.

"You, you couldn't just yell at me in private, had to scare them all to death." He sighed and scooted up in bed.

"I didn't mean to scare them but it's better they know it all then wonder and worry about it. Now they know you didn't willfully cheat on them simply because it was the easier decision."

"Iggy..." I glanced at Rance who was staring at us. "give him a chance. You never know you might like him."

"Oh I like him already, after all he was smart enough to bet big when bluffing." I laughed. "Seriously I'm not holding it against him, or you despite how it may sound. I'm a little annoyed on the whole but given I offered to let him have the second bed in here I'm not holding a grudge am I. I really could have made him sleep in the pool house."

"No you couldn't I wouldn't let you." Emmy says. "A guest room maybe but that pool house isn't heated."

"You know you are getting really bossy lately, that whole nagging wife tone is really settling in."

"Ha, that's what you get for loving me." She says sticking out her tongue at him. He gave a fake growl and tugged her into his arms to kiss her. I grinned. It really made me happy to see them so happy together.

"I'm going to sleep with Lucas tonight. He's a little upset still." They kissed me good night and I headed for Rance. I bent and kissed him. He nodded toward Iggy and Emmy.

"Are they a couple as well?"

"Yes. Ness was their third." I say quietly. He winced and nodded.

"Uh, are they going to have sex?" I looked over they were deep lip lock.

"Yeah probably. You can watch if you want. They won't mind."

"Uh, no thanks I just met them." I laughed.

"You just met me as well." He laughed.

"Okay, I don't want to watch because then I'll get all hot and bothered and I'm not sure I want to worry about that yet."

"You know that's not going to happen again right. I know the secrets of your body now." I said leaning to trail a kiss down his neck. He shivered.

"Yeah. But I think I'll get a good nights sleep and see about that another time." I nod. I give him a kiss and wink before heading for suite two again. I give Libby and Honey their kisses then Alex. I wait hovering above him.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah. Luke, will he want retaliation for taking Rance away from him?"

"No. If he'd thought to he'd have put up more of a fuss in the first place." Alex nodded. I gave him another kiss and headed toward bed. I stripped to skin and slid in behind Lucas. Angie was between him and Don. I saw a hand trail up Angie's stomach and Don's hand come to rest over Angie's breast. Looking up I caught Don's eyes. I raised an eyebrow and he gave a wink.

"I got used to sleeping a certain way with Honey."

"Excuses, excuses." Angie says opening her eyes to roll over and look up at Don. "You just want to cop a feel. If your interested just say so."

"Okay, I'm interested."

"Finally he says it. Now kiss me." I watch them kiss and feel myself get hard. Lucas wiggles back into my hard cock and smiles over his shoulder.

"Wanna see if we can distract him?" I grin and pull Lucas over and raise above him. I kiss him deeply and begin to love his body. As I love Lucas, Don loves Angie. Suddenly Angie pulls back with a laugh. I look over as she pushes him over and moves astride his hips. She glances at me.

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