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I wasn't wrong. The minute I walked into the living room after getting shorts he was on his feet. Don had been standing guard over him not letting him go.

"You can't keep me here." Mark growled at me.

"I wasn't going to let you leave. They said you were upset, you obviously were when you saw us in the pool." I saw his jaw clench again. "See that right there, you are upset and I want to know why. I tried the link and you very roughly slapped it closed in my face. So I'm going to keep you here until you tell me why you are so upset with me."

"You didn't wait. The minute you had another mate you just moved right on."

"As I recall you were the one who wanted to wait. I am more than willing to give you the time you need but I can't neglect my other mates while you figure out what you want."

"But this wasn't just loving a mate you already had, this was claiming a new one. Barely a day after meeting me and you just move on."

"So, what, you are just expecting me to wait around until you figure out what you want? Mark that's just a little unreasonable. Goddess brought me a mate. I wasn't going to hurt her by not claiming her just to make you happy. Not when you don't even know what you want." He growled shoving hands through his hair. I grabbed his hands and tugged him close to me. "What do you want Mark? Do you want me as mate? Do you want to let me go? Do you expect me to just be your friend? I'll give you time if you need it but I'm going to go on, I have mates, family, pack, and entire people to look after I can't wait around on my hands while you figure it out. So tell me, do you know what you want?"

"I want you." He shouted in my face.

"Then why are you pushing me away. Why do you want time away from me?"

"Because it's wrong."

"What's wrong?"

"Feeling for you like this."

"Wrong? Mark it's as natural as breathing. Is this what you think when you see Victor and Max? You seemed okay with them being together and you and I both know that they've done more than just hold hands." He looked away. "That's a yes. I know this isn't from your parents. Your mother would never allow this. That's probably why you don't want to tell her. Want to tell me why you think it's wrong?" He kept his face turned away. Letting go of one of his hands I turned his face to mine. "Most of the time it's because someone has said something to you. Want to tell me?"

"No." He said definitively refusing to meet my eyes. I sighed.

"Mark. You are my mate, I won't force a claim on you. If you can't accept me that is something you will have to deal with, but I am not going to just wait around until you feel better about it all. I want you to come to me and be happy to be here. We'll stick to what we agreed, come to work for me. Just get to know me. Get to know the family." He nodded. I let go of him and stepped back. "I'll see you in the morning then. I usually get started about nine." He nodded again. His eyes finally met mine. Hurt, pain, regret, longing. It all swirled in their depths.

"I'll be here." I walked him toward the door.

"Mark, you know I'll always be around if you want to talk. I won't judge." He just nodded. With one last look he left. I sighed and turned to Don who had witnessed the whole exchange. "What do you think, I'm guessing someone caught on to the fact he liked a guy at some point and ridiculed him for it."

"I don't know that amount of denial, as much as I don't want to think it, I'm going to guess it got physical."

"You really think so?" I asked looking out the window and watched Mark back up and leave in his car.

"I do. It's got to be a doozy of a thing for him to be so hard against you." I nod.

With the day ending with a bang I check on my kids who had gone to bed while I was busy then head for bed. I grin wide as I see that Angie has co-opted Libby into bed with her. They were sitting their giggling when I came in from my final house check before bed.

"Oh dear, that doesn't look good. What are you giggling about?" I ask. Angie smiles as I get out a ring box and head for Libby. She'd said yes so I was going to take Beyonce's advice and was going to put a ring on it.

"She was telling me about you in middle school." Angie says.

"Oh lord, I'm going to be hiding in my office for weeks I have a feeling while everyone hears about my early teen years. Before you go on I think this belongs on a certain finger." I open the box. Libby's grinning as I slide the ring out of the box and onto her finger.

"He wasted no time on that one." Iggy says from behind me. I turn and shrug.

"You know me when it feels right why wait. So where do I sleep tonight?" I look around between my mates I see Iggy's eyes flip behind me just as two strong arms slip around my waist. I look over my shoulder at Don.

"I think we were having a discussion earlier about feeling safe? And I believe you made a challenge about had to catch you first?"

"No fair to sneak up on me." I tell him laughing. He gave my neck a suck and then slid his arms away.

"Two second head start." I laugh and turn.

"Two seconds, that's hardly enough."

"One." I laugh and rush to his room and the far side of it. I hear him say two and he's after me. Lucas, Honey, and Alex sat up in bed smiling. I'm across the room as he heads for me. Waiting until he's almost to me I dart around him and toward the door. The mates from the other room step back and let me rush into the other suite. They are all laughing. I get only a few few feet into the room when my hand is caught and I'm jerked back, spun around and kissed senseless. I was caught so I just follow his lead as he pushes me back toward the bed in the corner and onto it. I feel the bed dip again and see Lucas slide into bed with us. I smile and turn to him. He just grins as I kiss him. Don's hands are all over my body then they are pulling my shorts from me. I turn Lucas and spread him beneath me. I grab a pillow and tuck it under his hips raising him up for me. He just smiles as he spreads his legs for me. I feel a finger suddenly thrust inside of me. I gasp and grunt.

"I think I made a promise to ravish you."

"Better live up to that promise." I tell him. I know I'm in for something different when Don pulls me up and back away from Lucas. Lucas is nervous I can tell but he's following Don's lead and trusting him. Don scoots my legs apart. I wait to see what I am in for. Lucas moves back and I'm bent forward. I realize what they are planning and grin. I open my mouth and send my tongue out flick at Lucas' tip. My ass is spread and Don thrusts hard and deep inside of me. The force of his thrust sent me down over Lucas' hard length. I kept my mouth tight around his length while Don's fast and rough speed had me bouncing and bopping over him. I let the double pleasure of Don fucking me and Lucas' length in my mouth roll through me. I could give no warning as I jerked and came spreading my cum over the bed. I swallowed repeatedly as Lucas filled my mouth and Don filled my channel. I could only flop to the side as my body shuddered with the absolute roll of wonderful completion.

"Now that was hot." I say. I see Lucas smile. He was worried about the fact that I had been dominated, I was sure was his trouble. I was alpha. I lift his hand and kiss his fingers. Looking at Don I chuckle. "Now that kind of ravishing I'll take anytime." He laughed.

"Still feel safe with me?" He asked teasing me.

"Always." I look around and see Iggy and Emmy in bed with Ness. Angie and Libby are gone. They must have gone to the other bedroom. We did sort of take over their bed. I pulled Lucas into my arms and Don slid up to spoon against me.

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