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"I think I'd like to have it on your chest opposite Ness. But how to do that and you claim me. What did you do with Ness?" He asked his hand running over my cheek, trying to comfort me as pain rolled through me and over my face.

"She had refused me at first when we met but slid into a heat. During the heat she'd realized I would be a good mate for her and changed her mind claiming me, biting my chest. Because she'd refused me and I didn't trust her word while in heat, it's basically being hormonally roofied, I didn't claim her. I did it later once she'd convinced me she really did want me." talking about it. Thinking about it I felt tears flow down my face.

"I'm sorry Luke I shouldn't have asked."

"It's alright. It's good to talk about her, remember her. I loved her, do love her, will always love her. We argued for a full twenty four hours before we finally had it out and convinced each other that we really did want to be together." I rolled to the side. "She thought I didn't want her because during her heat I couldn't get an erection. She couldn't give consent so I wasn't getting turned on. She thought it meant I didn't want her. I thought she'd claimed me because she was loopy in her heat and had followed instinct. She'd refused me and I didn't believe her during her heat. And when she came to me after the heat I thought she was there only because she'd claimed me as mate against her will. She'd seen me make love to Alex and Honey and left. She'd seen how I was and because she thought I didn't want her left thinking I would never love her, never accept her and she didn't want the pain of seeing what she'd never have. 

I followed her pissed about her just up and leaving with no explanation. We argued some more and finally had it out." I chuckled. "We'd both been idiots. But in answer to your original question, the claims were done at different times." I ran a hand over his cheek. "We can make that work. Make love to you twice, I can definitely do that." I kissed him delicately. As I kissed him the doubt I thought had left was slipping in and out. Did he really want to be with me. Openly, with me. Stand by me, have children. Was he going to love me and be open here at home and distant when we were out places? The claim would tell me. I would know how he really felt. But he'd know how I felt he'd feel my doubt in him. I hoped it didn't hurt him. The worry for him wouldn't stop me from claiming him. He'd consented. I would claim him and hope that our worries, fears, and doubts, could be sorted out.

I stripped my shorts from me and his from him. Laying skin to skin I finally got to feel his body against mine. We'd made love hurriedly twice, in my office then in the kitchen. I would take my time now. Learn his body. Find out which caress made him tremble. What kind of kisses made him beg for more. I took note of the feel of his legs intertwined with mine. The way he tucked his heel behind my knee. I smiled at the feel of him tracing the lines of my body. He liked the short kisses, the meeting of lips and parting only to meet again. The deep kisses, the stroking of tongues and sucking, was good but those quick kisses, the suck of a lip and letting go made him quiver and his body tremble for more. The flick of a nipple was good but he preferred it when I stroked my hands over his sides and arms.

I pressed my cock to his as he moaned and spread his legs wider. I wanted inside him and he was spreading himself for me. Slipping a hand between us I checked him. He was slick and loose. I put my tip to his entrance and pressed. He moaned his heels slipping up to my ass and tightening as I pressed deep inside of him.

"You feel so good around me. Claim me this time. I'll have to keep you up late so I can claim you." He chuckled.

"Does that mean you'll sleep in with me and let me wake up in your arms."

"I would love to. Work can wait for a morning." He smiled and kissed me one of those light kisses.

"Faster." He told me. I obeyed and moved quicker. As he got close his mouth fell to my chest. I bowed back letting him have access to me. He licked over my chest and seemed to find a place to suit him. I bit my lip and groaned as the thought of claiming him drew me close to the edge. His fingers bit into my skin as his body jerked and he came. I grunted being pulled over the edge as he laid his claim on my chest. I felt my knot grow and smiled remembering he was already pregnant with my child. Next summer was going to be hard as we had so many kids learning to walk. We'd have to be careful of locked doors and baby gates. It would take a couple hours for the knot to go down. Then I'd make love to him again and claim him. I fingered the half claim in my mind. If he were open to it I'd be able to read him. The link wouldn't be fully formed until I claimed him. I could feel him a little. He was happy. Feeling content. I held onto that happiness and laid over him holding him tight. My mind tried to throw up his confession. What he'd done. I pushed it away.

No I knew he regretted it. I knew he loved me. Only true love would have made the pain he felt so blatant. But he'd done it. Doubt wanted to take up residence. If he did it once knowing he was my mate, would he do it again. No I knew better I knew that he'd never do it. He loved me. Even as I said it to myself doubt wanted to poke holes in it. I felt wetness on my shoulder and lifted up.

"Mark, sweetheart, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Had he felt it. I didn't narrow my link, I rarely ever did.

"I won't do it again I promise." He'd felt my worry and my doubt.

"Oh, sweet heart, I know that. I'm sorry. When the claim seals the doubt will go away I know it will."

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He said. I took a breath and held him tighter.

"I know you are, and I really do believe you, I know it'll never happen again. Sometimes doubts don't listen to reason."

"I love you Luke."

"I love you too Mark." I held him tight. I napped a little as we held each other and the knot went down.

As I woke I realized we'd slipped to the side. He was spooned up in front of me his back pressed tightly to my chest. I trailed a hand up and down his stomach making little strokes. He sighed and settled back against me further. Laying kisses over his neck I smiled as he sighed.

"David." He muttered in his sleep. I jerked up jostling him awake. His eyes flew around and landed on my face.

"Luke, are you alright? What's wrong?" I stared at him. I'd been kissing him and he'd said someone else's name. David, the one he'd dated who had been hurt. He retch for me and I pulled back. "Luke? You are closed to me, what's wrong?" I hadn't even realized I'd shut the slim link we had.

"I was kissing your neck, thought I'd wake you to claim you. You... you said... 'David.'"

He looked away. "Do you still care for him?" I asked.

"Luke he's the first guy I dated who meant something to me, he'll always mean something to me and don't tell my you don't understand that, I think Libby can attest to the fact you do."

"But I was kissing you and you said his name."

"I was having the dream again."

"What dream?"

"Of the night we were attacked." He looked away. "We were kissing, I was having the dream, you were kissing me they must have met up and I said his name. Luke..." He trailed off staring at me. I saw tears fill his eyes and fall down his face. "It's always going to be like this isn't it. Doubt poking holes into our lives. Into our feelings for each other. All because of one stupid mistake. Luke I love you. I will do anything you say to get you to believe that. I will say it every day. I'll do anything for you to believe that. I thought you did."

"I do." I pulled him into my arms. He was crying again. I sighed burying my nose in his neck. "I do." I put my link wide. "You can feel me. Feel it when I say this. I believe you. I know you love me, I know I love you. I want you to be my mate, be my husband." I felt the full conviction of every word as I said it. "I don't want the doubt to be there. I don't let it linger when it does come. I know you love me. I know that you are committed to me. I can feel it in our link. All I can do is chase it away when it comes. I will continue to do so. If it comes, just... tell me you love me. Someday it'll go away. I love you Mark." I knew that my doubt hurt him but all I could do was chase it away and pray it really did stop.

"Claim me." He said pulling back to look up at me. I didn't reply just kissed him. I didn't linger over his body this time but stirred him fast and got him moaning and dripping for me. Turning him around I slid up behind him and sucked at his neck. I pressed into his entrance getting a moan from him. Keeping tight to him I bent forward so I was stretched over his back. Mine, my pup growled in my head as I stroked in and out of him. Pressing to his neck I licked he was going to be mine. Now and always. He gasped, jerked and came shooting over the bed beneath him. He jerked again and shifted. I couldn't help the smile. No claim and he'd lost control and shifted. I let out a moan that changed to a growl as I shifted to my full form. I was much bigger as a doberman than he was in his shepherd skin. I kept thrusting moving inside of him. The claim would be harder like this but I could do it. He drew tight around me. I thrusted hard and deep and as we came I took his neck in my mouth and bit. I had to bite harder to make it through his thick fur to his skin. My knot formed, the claim sealed and I felt the world turn black as I was overwhelmed and passed out.

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