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"Nice tattoo." I hear from behind me. I glare at him and refocus on Rance. His eyes are open.

"You added to it. Can I see?" I nod and turn around as he sits up. His hand trails over the tattoo.

"Since we'll be claimed I'll have to go back and add another name."

"Really?" He asked surprised. I turned to him and smiled.

"Really." I pulled him across my lap and kissed him again. Making sure that he's lost to the kisses again. Laying back I take him with me. I toe off my shoes and reach for my belt but Rance stops me. He takes the belt from me, then slips the button out, the zipper down. My jeans are pulled down and then off. He slips my socks off then my briefs. As he sees me naked he stares.

"Wow. You know the clothes really don't show how buff you really are, and this..." He says wrapping a hand around my cock. "Can I say that it really does not feel this big through your clothes." I chuckle and pull him up to lay over my body.

"Have you had bigger?" I ask trying to tease him. He blushes.

"I should say no, and not start anything but truth is I have." I growl and playfully smack his ass. He jerks and I see his eyes flip dilated. Hmm, he liked to be spanked. Hmm, did he have a hidden masochistic side? That would explain it if he either wasn't aware that was his trouble or his lovers didn't know and didn't give him the right kind of stimulation. I liked it rough sometimes. Emmy was my go to mate for when I felt the need. Though at times I'd been rough with each of my original mates. Don had gotten the roughest when I'd done a claiming heat. Could I use this? Hmm how far would I have to go? I took his backside in my grip and clenched my hands. He moaned and rutted against me. I lifted up and took his mouth, making it a rough bruising kiss. Again he moaned. His hands went to my sides and trailed up and down gently. He flicked at my nipples. Going to his neck I kissed and sucked his neck into my mouth I gave a light bite. He jerked against me. I wondered how many of his lovers had seen this but not understood his need. I looked toward Ezekiel. He was frowning at me. Was I getting farther then he had? I ignored him and rolled Rance over. He looked up at me smiling.

"I want you inside me. Please." I slipped a hand to my length and lined myself up with his entrance. I was going to test my theory. I braced myself and thrusted hard and deep inside of him. He cried out and dug at my back. I winced as he got my fresh tattoos. "Yes, god yes." He moaned. I bent to him taking his lips going for that bruising kiss again. He held me tight his arms and legs wrapped tight around me. I lightened my thrusts, how light could I get before he'd start to recede? I watched his eyes. The minute I saw him start to edge toward being able to think I hardened my thrusts again. I kept them just hard enough to get him pushed up the peak toward orgasm. I pushed harder, trying to see how hard it would take. I was already harder than I'd dared to go with any of my mates. It wasn't enough for him. I thought of how I'd been with Don during the claiming heat, that rushed, punishing pace. I didn't want to do that, I could actually hurt him that way. Maybe a combination of things. I grabbed him to me and rolled over so he was above me. I let him set the pace. He bounced and fucked himself even harder onto my length. My hands went to his thighs. I gripped and rubbed. It helped he was further up the peak but not going over. What to do?

I gripped his hips stilling him taking over thrusting. I gripped his ass hard, then harder. I knew much more and I'd leave bruises. I crushed his ass in my hands and was rewarded with spurt of cum. I heard movement and saw Ezekiel upright from his lean on his desk. I pushed at him until he moved then I spun him around quickly so I wouldn't lose the progress we'd made. I shoved into him from behind. I had an idea and if I was right I wanted to be ready to claim him.

"My arm, the claim, put it on my arm." I told him wrapping my arm around his chest. I held onto it and nodded. I went back to the punishing pace. I set my mouth to his shoulder, I kissed and licked. He moaned, he was getting frustrated, he wanted to cum. "It's alright, I'd never leave you like this." I whispered to him. His eyes came open and he looked at me over his shoulder.

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