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We were both silent as we got up showered dressed and headed for our flight. We were sitting waiting for it to be called when my cell rang. I saw the selfie Iggy had taken with my phone one time and felt my heart clench. I answered it standing and wondering away from Angie.

"Hey how are you?" I asked trying to be happy but all I felt was hollow.

"We are all good. I knew you'd be getting on your flight soon and wanted to see how yesterday went."

"Well it was just fine, until two wolves showed up late in the evening."

"Did you fight?" he asked me. I could hear the annoyance in his voice.

"Yes. I had to. They didn't go home under their own power."

"So you killed them?"


"Was it really necessary?" he asked.

"Yes." he sighed heavily.

"Alright then. Are you okay? Anything bad?"

"No, the worst is a bite mark that will take a few days. I'll probably be completely healed before I see you."

"Good. What about Angela?"

"The stupid woman tried to help me." I growled thinking of it. "She could have been seriously hurt. I wanted to strangle her."

"I doubt that's what you did." he said chuckling. "But she's alright?"

"Yes a couple scraps and bruises but she is just fine." I wanted to tell him the truth I felt the need push at me but I denied it. It wasn't something to be done over the phone. When I got home I'd tell him, tell them. My stomach rolled and nausea beat at me.

"By the way we have some news for you, two sets of news. We were going to wait until you got back but I'm being pestered to put you on face time." the phone trilled. I hit the connect and saw Iggy with Ness on one side and Alex on the other. "They found out last night and obviously can't wait any longer. Go ahead." Iggy said grinning. Ness and Alex shared a look then took a breath.

"We're pregnant." I stared in shock.

"Both of you? How do you know?" excitement and joy burst inside of me. More babies. My trouble and my betrayal was forgotten as I pictured them big and round with babies.

"Yes both of us." Alex said grinning.

"Well we'd both been tired lately and it wasn't until we went grocery shopping and we're going through the health department together and see the tests and have the same thought. Neither of us really thought it would be positive but..."

"We are." I was grinning.

"Oh my loves I haven't the words right now. God I wish I was there. Iggy kiss them for me." Iggy laughed and did it. "I love you all so much." complete joy was running through me. I had no idea how to express it. "When I get home we are going to celebrate. Have you called doc yet?"

"Yes, we have an appointment Tuesday afternoon."

"Good I'll be back before then since It's only Saturday. Ness I know you are enforcer but..."

"I've already told Don that he'll have to take up the slack."

"Don't worry Luke I'll keep after her." I hear Don say from the other side of the phone.

"Alex, my Alex, I'm still hoping for those twins. I'm going to keep trying till I get them." Alex laughs.

"What do you think Ness? One, two, three?"

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