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Just as April says she is done Emmy walked back in.

"Uh do you mind if we use your bathroom?"

"Not at all. After hearing the whole thing, I kind of want to know." I went back peed on the stick and came back out. I did like I had done last time handed it to Emmy and went to my kids. I took little Coco and bounced her on my knees as we waited. Lucas moved chairs to sit next to me. I glanced at him and saw tears on his face.

"Hey, don't cry. I'm alright."

"Yes. I'm sorry, after that, what I said to you about our babies. I'm sorry." I pulled him in and hugged him.

"It's alright. I knew you didn't really mean it. I think in a way it's made me a little baby obsessed." I heard a snort. Turning to Iggy I saw him smiling.

"You were baby obsessed before that. How often did you tell Alex you wouldn't rest till he had a baby and you were very disappointed that you couldn't get Don pregnant. I really think it was Honey's diligence with condoms that kept her from getting pregnant before she was ready for it." I saw Emmy head for us from the back where she'd been watching the clock.

"Well, negative right?" I said. When she didn't immediately agree I gave Coco to Honey and stood. "Emmy, it's negative, it has to be I had the ability for anything else stopped."

"Then I'd say that doc screwed up somewhere." I grabbed the test and looked at it. It said positive.

"But it's impossible." I say staring at the test.

"I guess not. But I know you've bottomed for more than Don. Who else could be in running for daddy?" I looked around.

"Uh, Alex." I looked at the two men.

"Okay. Uh, Iggy you and I are going to take the family home. Don, you and Alex are going to take Luke to Doc's place. I'm sure when he hears the problem he'll forgive us for imposing on him on a Sunday." Emmy says. I kept all emotion turned off. I was quiet the whole cab ride over to docs.

"Luke, what brings you by?" Doc asks beckoning us into his house.

"You got some explaining to do?" I say annoyed with him.

"I do?" he asked confused. I lifted the test handing it to him.

"I took that a little while ago. Someone made the observation that I was acting high, it brought around the past, and though it should have been impossible I took the test. That says positive."

"It should be impossible. But before we get off on any tangents come with me." We followed him through the connecting door into his clinic. I laid back on the table as he got his machine going. He pulled my shirt up and tucked my pants down below my stomach.

"So I'm guessing Don would be the potential father again."

"Him or Alex either one." Doc shot a look at Alex. He grinned and chuckled while Alex blushed. "Doc there was a good reason I didn't want this to happen again. I can't carry to term. I don't want to go through that again."

"Don't get ahead of yourself. Alright, look here. This is your womb that I disconnected. It's shrank down to nearly gone." I saw him frown.

"Doc you are frowning, why?"

"I have no idea how it's happened but you have grown another womb."


"You can clearly see it here." He pointed to the outline.

"Am I... Am I pregnant for real?" Doc moved the wand around. Don's hand was clenched in mine. Alex had his hands over the baby he carried. "Yes. You are." I knew what I was seeing on the screen. I had a lot of practice. "With twins this time." I pushed the wand away and went to stand. Don grabbed my arms.

"Luke, calm down, you need to breath." I shook my head no. "If you don't you are going to pass out. You are hyperventilating." Until he said it I hadn't felt it but feeling it didn't help. I grabbed his waist and tried to steady myself. My legs went weak and I heard Don cuss before my vision went black and I was out.

I woke slowly and tried to open my eyes. I had to blink several times before I could manage it. I was still at docs. The picture above me of little animals said I was. Or Iggy had been redecorating. Don appeared in my vision.

"Hey, feeling better?"

"No. Go away." I snapped and pushed to sit up.

"Excuse me?"

"Go away." I repeated.

"What the fuck? No, and don't think I'm stupid enough to leave you alone. Your track record isn't so good in this situation."

"Where's Doc?"

"In the other room." I pushed passed him and found Doc and Alex sitting in the hall.

"Doc, I want it stopped."

"Save your breath while you were out we already got him to promise he'd do no such thing. If this is going to end, and that's still an if despite what you might think, it's going to happen naturally." Alex says.

"What do you mean if? Ephraim said that no alpha has ever carried to term."

"We called while you were out, he also said that no one has ever regrown a womb and that applies to alpha's and every other position." Don said.

"I've been practicing medicine for a long time Luke that's never happened."

"I took the liberty of calling and talking to Ethan. He said that goddess had not said anything to him about a baby." Alex told me. I looked at him, his round stomach. I knelt and pressed my face to his stomach.

"I can't do this. Call me a coward but I can't do this." I say leaning back and looking up at him. He sat down in his chair so he was even with me.

"You aren't a coward. The only reason you think you can't do this is because you love your family so much. Any hurt done to them you feel ten fold. You don't know that you'll miscarry again. Look at Iggy, he miscarried and then had three healthy triplets who are now seven years old."

"Then he miscarried again." I pointed out.

"And now he's once again carrying twins and perfectly healthy, him and them. You don't know for a fact that you will miscarry." Alex said frowning at me, "And I'm going to be honest I'll be damned if you get rid of what could be my babies. You made love to Don and I too close together to know for sure. If I'm going to lose children it'll be something natural that we can't control. What would Lucas say after you basically forbid him to do just what you want to do. Do you know how hurt he'd be if he even knew that you'd thought it."

"Lucas. Oh god." He was right. I'd forbidden it. How could I go home and tell him I'd wanted to do just what I wouldn't let him do? "I'm sorry. Don't tell Lucas what I said. He'd be so upset with me."

"We won't. I think we can all agree that would be a bad idea." Don said.

"But he's your twin can't he find out through you?"

"It's possible but it won't be on purpose."

"Better to be honest than try to hide it." I stood.

"You know no one is going to believe this. I should just get a signed letter saying I am." Doc held up a hand written letter on his office stationary. I laughed.

"It's signed and dated by me and witnessed by them. Carry it with you whenever you leave the house."

"Anything else I'm thinking you want to do before I ask?" I tease. Alex smiles and leans forward to kiss me. Don leans down and does the same. I laugh loudly.

"Lets go home. I'm sure they are all pacing the floors." Don says taking my hand.

The Alpha's Mates: Family is all you needWhere stories live. Discover now