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Going to the foyer I open the door and see Carla.

"Carla come on in."

"Hi alpha."

"Let me get Victor." I go the intercom and call for Victor to meet us at my office. I take her up and wave for her to have a seat.

"I'm so sorry about him. I don't understand why he's doing this. He's always been such a good boy." She says.

"I don't get it either. I've questioned him about it but he refuses to tell me. I'm a little impressed by how well he can stand against me and keep his mouth shut. A few years to grow up some more I'd offer him a position as enforcer. He'd be good for it. But until I feel I can trust him he's going to be watched."

"What's his punishment?"

"He's going to be Ness' assistant. Since she's pregnant it'll be good for her to have some help. It'll also keep him here out of trouble." she nods. Victor comes in looking at his mother sheepishly. She stands.

"Son, what is going through your head. Our alpha has been patient with you. Eventually that patience will run out. Why do you keep doing this? And don't go all silent on me boy, you tell me what you are thinking." He looked between us.

"I can't. I promised. But I swear I have a really good reason. It's nothing bad. Please mom I swear it's not bad."

"Promised who?" he snapped his mouth closed. She looked at me.

"I'm going to let this go for now but you need to talk to whoever you promised and get them to understand that if you keep this up you are going to be in serious trouble." He nods.

"Thank you alpha." she takes him and heads out. He'd promised someone not to say anything but it wasn't a bad thing. I'd have to give him a chance to talk to who ever it was and get this straightened out. I shook my head and headed for the kitchen.

I hear Emmy's voice as I reach the kitchen.

"He was so cute but very hot."

"I wish I had been able to see him." Angie replied.

"I have some pictures in one of the albums of him before his move here. His dad wasn't much of a picture taker but he had a few that I hijacked so we could show the kids what their dad looked like when he was a kid." Hearing me they looked at me. I saw Angie cock her head and stare at me.

"It's hard to picture that big hot body as a skinny kid." I flexed my arms.

"Ooh, hubba hubba." Angie teased. I went around and kissed her. Emmy puckered her lips and leaned over.

"Me too." I laughed and kissed her deeply. I turned to Lucas who was blushing.

"What about you?" He was a little embarrassed and shy but tipped his head up for a kiss as well. I made his gentle but thorough. When I pulled back I ran a gentle finger over his cheek. I had to admit that I had fallen really hard for him. He was young, only eighteen. Seven years younger than I am. He was watching me curiously. He was so sweet, he'd been wronged so badly. I was going to make it up to him, if it took the rest of my life I would do it.

"What?" he asked as I continued to stare.

"I love you Lucas." he blushed deeply.

"I love you too."

"So then if I asked, would you marry me?" His eyes went wide and his jaw dropped.

"Are... are you asking?"

"Yes. Marry me Lucas." He teared up.

"Yes. Of course I will." I grinned and kissed him. I hadn't planned on asking that but it felt to right to go against it. Letting him go I turn to Angie.

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