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Mike and the girls, Trisha and Candace, were out the back door as soon as they saw us. The kids immediately started playing. I left my kids and mates to introduce the two new ones and headed for the house. Ebony was in the kitchen.

"Hey grandma, you've been invaded." she jumped a foot at my voice shoving the crackers she was eating away and swallowing fast.

"Scare the day lights out of me why don't you."


"So where's the new mates?" She asked heading for me and the back door. I narrowed my eyes at her, glancing at the sleeve of crackers and back at her I smiled.

"You are totally pregnant aren't you. The girl who isn't a fan of bread, crackers or cake only ate them when she was pregnant." She blushed. I laughed. "You really are aren't you?" I grabbed her up and hugged her.

"Shush, don't be so loud. I haven't told your dad yet." She say shooting a glance toward the kitchen doorway.

"Is he here?"

"Yes. He got called into work yesterday so he was given this morning off."

"Why haven't you told him this is great."

"Well after the girls were born we though three was enough and I went on the pill. They aren't kidding with that ninety nine percent. I just haven't been sure how to tell him." Before I could pester her about it some more my family came in. I introduced Lucas and Angie.

"And this is my step mom, and the kids grandma Ebony." I told them. She snorted.

"You just get such a kick out of that don't you?"

"Absolutely. We're gonna have a busy winter I've found out." I said eyeing my mates. "Alex and Ness are both pregnant, I think Honey might be, and Emmy said no more protection." Ebony's eyes were wide.

"Good lord boy. If only one a piece that's four babies."

"I'm still hoping Alex has those twins I want." I say pulling the mate in question over and kissing him.

"He's crazy it's official. For some reason I love him anyway."

"Who's crazy?" dad asked coming into the room.

"Your son. He's hoping since I'm pregnant it's twins." Alex says.

"Your pregnant?" He asks.

"Yes. So is Ness." Alex confirms. Ebony slides an arm around my dads waist and smiles at him.

"They think Honey might be, and he said Emmy said no more protection." Dad gives a surprised laugh.

"Damn, you said you wanted a big family you meant it. Eight mates now, five kids with two definitely on the way and possibly two more. You are crazy for sure."

"But I'm happier than I ever thought I would be."

"Kids do that for you." Dad said looking at me. "Even full grown kids that have made you a grandpa make you happy."

"Then the baby or babies I'm having are going to make you happy then?" Ebony asks nervously. Dad stares at her.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I took a test yesterday." He kisses her deeply. "So you don't mind. We sort of agreed to keep to the three we had but accidents happen. The pill isn't a sure thing obviously."

"Yes of course I'm happy. I love you. It's unexpected but it's wonderful." The kids ran into the room. Kiara was holding a crying coco. Honey took her.

"What happened?" I asked.

The Alpha's Mates: Family is all you needWhere stories live. Discover now