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The next day as I'm eating breakfast I notice that Timmy is really settling in. He liked to play rough with the triplets but he also liked to do quiet things with Ethan. Coco was loving him she followed him everywhere. He seemed just as entranced with her. Mark showed up just as I was sitting behind my desk. He got to work quickly. When the Panther representative got there I called for Iggy. He sat with me as my Queen while I dealt with them. After an hour of them demanding that my wolves be disciplined I snapped.

"You don't really think I'm so much of a fool I'm going to trust you in this. Your panthers were on pack territory, and given that two of my wolves are dead I really doubt that they started any fight. Your panthers while injured got away clean. I'll restrict my pack to their territory that is all I'm going to do." The panthers stood glaring at me.

"Of course you side with your own people. Justice be damned, isn't that right."

"Justice? Whatever injury was done to your people should be satisfied with the death of two of mine. No people would demand more blood when blood has already been spilled." I said standing. "This matter is laid to rest. Keep your people from my land and we shall have no further trouble." They gave bows and left. When they were gone I growled and dropped into my chair.

"Idiots. Kill two of my wolves and demand that my pack be turned over to them for discipline. They must think I'm a fool."

"I think they wanted to see how far they could push you. See if your reputation is really earned. It's not the first time someone has pushed thinking you'll be a pushover. I doubt it will be the last." Iggy says. I nod and smile at him. This was why he was my Luna that brilliant mind and level head. He stands and gives me a kiss.

"I'm going to make sure they leave peacefully." Emmy and Honey are both moving on with work never giving the interaction a second thought. I see Mark watching me.

"What do you think of them?" I ask.

"I think Iggy's right. They were pushing your buttons to see if you would sacrifice your pack to keep the peace."

"If I really thought that the pack was out of hand I'd discipline them, replace leadership, things like that but even were they totally in the wrong I'd never hand them over to a foreign people to be disciplined. Not after two had already been killed. Were they to come in respect and demand just the perpetrators, were they really guilty I might consider it but as it stands there's no reason to give in to a people that is being disrespectful and I believe in the wrong." I sent the email telling the pack to keep to pack land. I wanted no more run ins. I put that matter aside and picked up my phone to call Ephraim. I needed to know about sending my enforcers and using them as proxy?

"Luke, how can I help you?" Ephraim said greeting me.

"Well I had a question about my groups. It has been great being able to form them up. But do I have to be there every time. Or can I use someone as a kind of proxy?"

"I see, well that is something you have to do yourself. It's your will that accepts and forms them up. Only another Alpha would be able to do this."

"Hmm, well that answers my question."

"Other than that how are things going?"

"Going well. I'll see you Sunday when you stop to see Ethan?"

"Yes. If he needs anything I'm always available."

"Thank you Ephraim. You have a good day." I hung up with him and looked to Honey.

"Hows the plans going for the three to travel."

"It's all arranged they have a flight in just a couple hours. A rental car going to be waiting. I sent Walter an email telling him to expect them."

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