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Lizzy leaned down so I could see the little boy that she held. He was so close in looks to his sister but his eyes were truer, more noticeable blue. "Our girls are sure to be beauties."

"How do you know they are girls?" I asked her. We hadn't had that checked yet, not while I was around anyway.

"Uh, well doc checked for me while you were sleeping." She blushed. I grinned.

"Two more girls. Oh lord how am I going to even let them out of the house? They'll have boys lined around the block." I looked down at my new daughter. "Not you thought right? You are gonna stay far away from boys, right? Gonna figure that brothers are bad enough and wait for your mate." I look at Don. "Alright switch me." He laughs. We carefully switch kids. The little girl I'm given is slightly smaller then the others. She has pale blue eyes that I was sure would lighten closer to a gray color. Something told me she'd be a smaller pup kind.

"So Don Junior then?" Emmy asks.

"Yes. He's got Don's eyes."

"Most babies have blue eyes." Angie points out.

"Yeah, Ness' will probably change and little girl blue here but mark my words he's gonna keep Don's eyes."

"Alright so we have Ness and DJ, what about her?" Mark asks. I look at Don.

"Well i do have one thought." He said looking at Iggy. "We could name her after mom." I saw him swallow as tears came to his eyes.

"That would be good. I miss her. Times like this when I want to share our family with her, I miss her so much. I wish you could have known her. She'd be wondering what your dad fed you though to get you so big." They both laughed.

"So Carmina Analena." I smiled.

"Sounds perfect."

"So Shawnessy Juliet, Donavan William Junior, and Carmina Analena."

"So wait," Rance says looking between Don and Iggy. "You two are brothers?" Iggy nods. "How has that not come up before?" Don chuckled.

"We didn't know we were brothers until a week or two after I'd mated with Luke. We had an unexpected visit from Hileena our sister. She'd known about Iggy and had come to warn him about some trouble we won't go into right now. During the talk he mentioned he had two other siblings that he knew about."

"As we're talking Don puts it together."

"So you two mated to the same guy? Very small world." Libby points out.

"That's a fact right little brother?" Don says laughing. Iggy rolls his eyes.

"Don't start with the little brother thing again. For the next solid year he called me that in every conversation." Iggy tells the new ones rolling his eyes.

"Hey, I was, and still am proud you are my little brother." Don says.

"So am I, big brother."

"Do the kids know you are siblings?"

"No, we didn't want to confuse them with the whole papa and uncle thing."

"How many other siblings do you have?"

"Besides Hileena and Donavan I have another brother. He's a cat form and we left him to his life. That had been moms wish. She'd be touched we are naming a daughter after her."

"Tells us about her." Rance says. Iggy starts in about his mom. As he does I frown at Rance. In our seventy degree house he has on a hoodie zipped up. I can see he's sweating a little. What was with the hoodie? Why was he covering up? A ponder flits through my brain. If he was trying to find a way to masturbate he might be injuring himself in order to find a way. I need to find a minute to get him alone. I didn't want to embarrass him so I'd do it privately. For now I had new triplets to feed.

The Alpha's Mates: Family is all you needWhere stories live. Discover now