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My heart stopped. The broken look on his face had me pulling him in and holding him tight.

"Ignacio, when? How?" He gave a deep sigh.

"Two weeks ago. While they were getting pregnant I lost our baby. I didn't even know I was pregnant. We've had misses with condoms, breaks, leaks. Who knows when it could have happened. I was here with Coco and Ethan. The others were all out grocery shopping. Ethan didn't want to go and since I'd stay with him they left Coco she always gets bored when they shop. They were watching some cartoons here in the movie room singing along with some silly thing when I felt it the horrible pain. I immediately shut my links. I didn't want to scare anyone. I went to the bathroom, it didn't take me long to figure out what was going on."

"Iggy, baby why didn't you tell me?"

"Because after my miscarriage, then your miscarriage," I winced at the reminder I didn't like to think about it. "then losing Carissa. You were so... devastated, after that. You love you family. You'd do anything up to and including die for us if necessary. I've never met anyone who loves their family as much as you do. I didn't want to see the pain and hurt in your eyes. I didn't want to make you and the others mourn a baby that I didn't even know existed."

"Iggy." I slid up beside him and held him as he began to cry.

"How could I have not known? Am I that oblivious?"

"Hey, you had no reason to even think about it." I held him close as he cried. A baby. He'd been pregnant. We'd lost another baby. Would it have been a boy or a girl. Baby? Ethan's dream, a baby dying, Iggy and Emmy crying. I pulled back.

"Ethan's dream. The baby, you and Emmy crying. This is what it was about." he sighed.

"I had wondered after he told us. I'm so sorry Luke. I'm sorry I lost our baby. I'm sorry I didn't even know. I'm sorry I kept it from you... I'm so sorry." He said sobbing and holding onto me. "It hurt to lay there alone and see the little mass that would have been our daughter. I wanted you so much but I was afraid to hurt you again with another lost child. I wanted to be held by you and loved by you. But I was afraid, of you finding out and being hurt, of seeing everyone mourn a baby. I wanted you but I was afraid of making love to you. What if I get pregnant again, what if I lost another baby." I didn't know what to say or do so I just sat there and held him.

"I can't promise it won't happen again. I don't know why it happens at all. I would prevent it if I could." My voice broke several times as I talked but I kept going. "All I can promise is that I love you. I love our family. You are right I would do anything in this world for all of you, even give my life. No matter the hurt, the bad times that we might go through I will love you. I would say that we could do something to prevent babies, something more than condoms." He pulled back and looked at me. "But I don't want to. I want someday to see you big and round with another baby of ours. To know we're adding to our family." He pushed up and slid to straddle my lap.

"I want that. Now. It may not be the answer but I want to feel that life growing inside me and know that we created it. Make love to me. I want you to give me a baby." I brought him down for a kiss. I kissed him deep and stirred our passion. His links were finally open and open wide. I felt it all his hurt, fear, loneliness, pain, grief, and desire. He was right this may not be the answer but it was the one we were going to choose. We'd lost and I wanted to replace that grief and hurt with happiness. Clothes were tossed aside and bodies heated. Hands caressed leaving pleasure in their wake. I took his length in my mouth and sucked. I loved his flesh making him writhe and moan beneath me.

"Luke, I need you." I rose up and covered my mouth with his. He suckled my tongue and dragged at my body. Reaching between us I put my length to his entrance and press in. "Yes. God it feels so good. It's so different without a condom. You always feel so much better. Your hard cock inside me. Fuck me Luke. Make me forget for a few minutes. I want to feel just you. Feel you as you stroke me, fuck me, fill me." I gave him what he asked for I let go and let my pup slide from the love making into a rough pace. Fast and hard. Iggy moaned and grunted as I fucked him. There was no warning just suddenly he was coming. I cried out with him and thrusted deep filling him with my cum stream after stream. My knot formed holding me and my cum tight inside of him. His beautiful half shape was beneath me. I wanted more from him. I bent to his claim mark and began to tease.

The Alpha's Mates: Family is all you needWhere stories live. Discover now