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When I finally get home I'm greeted by all my mates, kiss after kiss. I rubbed every baby belly. Kissed every kid before I wandered from room to room, up and down every hallway and enjoyed the sounds of my big happy family. There was no hesitancy in them at all. They'd come from backgrounds that in some cases were hellish. I'd found love and happiness with each one. They had put their pasts away. They focused on family and the future. My kids had been and will be born into peace. They won't know the fear there parents had lived through. It was time I really put the traveling on the back burner. Only for truly needed things. I wanted to live to a very ripe old age with my mates and twenty something kids and try to find each and everyone of them mates so they'd have families of their own. I'd be looking for new goals and dreams. Mine were all under my roof, living and breathing proof of them.

"Daddy, Coco did it again. I can't reach her." I hear my eldest daughter scream through the house. I hurry up the stairs and into the play room. Coco sat, perfectly happy on the top of the shelves, her toy fox in her arms. I heard running feet and the rest of my kids hurried in to see.

"I told you, no running in the house. You could fall, or even trip a mama or papa. They are pregnant. You have to be careful." I tell them as I pull Coco off the top. "Timmy why don't take Coco to the backyard and see if she wants to run around and play tag."


"That sounds fun, me too." was said and all of them hurried off to play. Iggy comes in and slides into my arms. Wow, I had more happiness then I ever thought I'd have. Time to reach higher.

AN: my wonderful readers, This  is the end of this part of the story.  But fear not, coming in January is the next generation. Here's a little teaser of what's to come. 


Why did he have to be so sweet? I didn't want him to be an asshole or anything just not be so sweet. When he's sweet, it made it really hard not to press him against the wall and kiss him before dragging his clothes off. He was currently swinging my little brother Xavier above his head. Xavier was an oops baby. Not including him I had twenty eight brothers and sisters. Then with Xavier and I there were an even thirty of us. Dad got teased for years about making an even thirty of us kids.

It made sense considering I had my dad, then he had a dozen mates. Of both genders. That many mates and he was doomed for a huge family. Of my siblings he had carried two of my sisters Ness, and Carmina as well as their third DJ, or Donavan Junior, then Xavier was his but he was that oops baby. They'd all agreed on no more after the one just older than him, Lisa. At times I felt kind of grossed out about that much dad sex but I got used to it, mostly.

Isaac swung Xavier above his head again making my one year old brother laugh. It was so cute. Damn did he not realize how cute it was to watch him like this? I should be interrupting it was time for him and I to leave.

Two years ago dad had been taking me with him to visit the Hyena pack under him. When he'd noticed that they deferred to me for everything, it made sense since hyena were naturally female led. Dad had killed the male who had been leading them it's how he ended up with them. When dad noticed he turned the entire pack over to me. My dad was King and alpha of the Were-dogs, all of them. I am his heir, as his heir I'd take over everything eventually but he was starting with the hyena's. Since they were partial to me he thought I'd get further then he did. He was right. I'd been making great strides the last couple years with them. They were shaping into a really good pack. Dad had done wonders with them considering how they were when he got them. Since Isaac was my mate I took him with me to work every day. I, as dads heir, still lived at home so I commuted to work at the Hyena house every day.

I'd graduated high school this year. I had another couple weeks till I turned eighteen and dad would allow Isaac to finally claim me. I'd known Isaac since I was seven years old. He was ten years older than me. I understood why dad wanted us to wait and from an alpha point of view I agreed but Isaac was an omega, he'd taken the no claim promise and been a good omega to add on the no sex part that dad intended. I'd had a handful of kisses since I was thirteen. My first kiss was a reward for being a level headed alpha and not giving into the urge to shove a kid through the school wall for being mean to one of my siblings. I'd been so embarrassed at the time to get the kiss from what I considered the best man I'd ever met, next to my dad of course. The other kisses had been for birthdays and such. I'd managed to work him to real kisses and not those brotherly ones which I didn't count. Those I got plenty of. Kisses on the cheek, and such. I wanted more though. He was my mate and I wanted the whole enchilada. I wanted stripped bare and laid back, made love to. I wanted his hot naked body next to mine as he finally made me his. I had been looking for a time to press my advantage and get him stripped naked if nothing else.

We'd had temptation knock at us, I'd been in his arms and ready to give myself to him. Ready to take my omega mate but we'd managed to keep away from it. He'd convinced me to step away and keep the promise we made to dad, even though i didn't really count mating I had resisted because of my mate. I was alpha he was Omega. He would have been unable to resist me if I'd pressed at the time and taken him then. It wouldn't have been the way I wanted it would have been little better than raping my own mate. He'd had enough of the bad treatment in his teens. I wasn't going to do it to him. I had seen him with his shirt off but even for pack runs he shifted where I couldn't see him. I understood, logically, why he did that but it was now frustrating. I was past resisting and close enough to my birthday. I was going to seduce him. Sure if he resisted hard enough in order to keep his promise I'd back off but baring a hard foot down I was going to make him mine. I had planned a little something at work later. I hoped it would work. The key was we had to get to work. Which meant I had to finally interrupt him.

"Hey, you ready?" I asked.

"Yep." he kissed Xavier's cheek. I was starting to get the idea, by how much time he had spent with Xavier I really thought he wanted a kid of his own. Technically he had them. That tough time in his teens had produced them. When he and I met he'd been pregnant. He'd been raped repeatedly by his own father. He'd birthed twin boys. Dad had arranged a blind adoption for him. Somewhere in the Hyena pack that I took care of were his, now ten year old almost eleven, twin boys. Dad had offered to tell me but I had said that unless there was some need I didn't want to know. I cared for everyone equally and I'd get possessive if I knew who they were.

Isaac followed me out to the car. I drove. He might be older but I was alpha. I took the lead most times. The car was one of dads. It was a brand new ford SUV. If I asked he'd deny it but I knew he'd bought this one for me. It was the one I'd looked at and even the color I wanted.

"You alright?" Isaac asked bringing me back from my musings.

"Yeah just thinking."

"About what?" he asked. I knew he worried for me a lot. I wasn't yet eighteen and had a lot of responsibility, and not all of it was the Hyena pack. He was my mate, and he cared for me, so he'd worry about me.

"About a lot of things. Mostly how I got to this point."

"Coming to grips with your life now that you are out of high school?" He asked slightly teasingly.

"Something like that."

"Well I for one think you have become an impressive woman." that made me feel pretty good. As long as he thought I was doing good I didn't really care what others thought. He was my mate he was the only one whose opinion I cared about.

"Thank you. So today, I have a meeting with the enforcers, then some paperwork, oh joy. Then a meeting with Bruce about the business."

"Well, I'll be in and out with the pack." he had become the basic go to guy for trouble which he and I discussed and took care of unless he felt that I needed to have a personal hand in something. The pack had come to respect him and I felt all glowy when I saw them treating him so well.

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