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She's staring up at me in complete shock.

"B-but your the dog king." She says staring at me. "You can't be my mate, how could I mate a dog." I sigh.

"Sorry to disappoint." I say to her frowning.

"Oh, no. That's not what I meant. I mean, you don't understand. I'm a swan." My eyebrows flew up. Yeah I could understand her confusion.

"Well, that I can understand. A swan in a dog family might raise a few eyebrows. One thing you could be sure of is that you'd be very safe in our pack." I say laughing. She smiled.

"True." She was pretty, black hair, tan skin, tasteful makeup, nails perfectly manicured.

"How old are you?" I ask. Her books said she was a student here. Lucas was only eighteen. I assumed she would be about the same age. I was not expecting her to say her real age.

"Sixteen." I see her eyes get worried as my face pulls into a frown.

"I guess we'll be waiting a couple years."

"Then you still want me?" She asked. I could tell she was worried I was going to refuse her.

"I never turn away a mate which is why I have ten of them so far. Not including you." I say chuckling. She smiles, she's relieved.

"I know that you are right we'll have to wait till I'm eighteen but would it be alright for me to come by this weekend and meet your family?"

"Sure. They'll be curious about you. Hmm, did you happen to hear about the trouble Kiara had?"

"Yes. It's been all over the school."

"Do you know anything about this Isaac Newsom?"

"Just that for an omega he's bad news. Most think it's all put on so he seems tougher. Omega's in the Hyena pack have only one choice, the harem. They are used as breeders. Sure they can pick and choose the visitors they have and they are allowed to say no but to stay in the pack they can't say no to everyone. I think he just doesn't want to be in the harem and is being a prick to prove how tough he is."

"That does make a certain sense." I pulled out one of my cards from my pocket and jotted down my cell number. She smiled nervously as she took it.

"I never caught your name."

"Oh, uh it's Jenny Snow."

"Luke Harrison. If you ever feel the need you can call me. We might be waiting a couple of years but I would prefer to know you are alright and safe, well cared for, happy. Things like that. The other number on the card is my desk phone if you can't get me on my cell feel free to call it. I like knowing my mates are safe so I may text randomly to check on you." She blushed and smiled.

"Right, uh, you really want me even though I'm just a swan. We aren't really good for anything."

"Oh I doubt that. Goddess wouldn't have brought you to me if you weren't going to be essential to me and my family." I bent and kissed her cheek. Raising back up I slip off my engagement ring and leaning forward I slip it onto the necklace around her neck. "There, I've staked my claim. Be careful going home Jenny."

"I will, Luke." She hesitated before saying my name. I wink and head to find my daughter. I wanted to take her straight home with me but I drew the line at underage. Kiara was sitting in one of the chairs outside the office. She jumps up and follows me out to the truck.

"Daddy, am I in trouble." Not as much as I am, I think. First Madeline and then Jenny.

"No. While I am going to caution you on your control, which by the way I am proud of you for keeping it verbal and not actually trying to beat him up. But I want you to keep working with Papa Don on your control." When we were on the road I sigh. "So he's your mate huh?"

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