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When morning came we shared a shower and went to breakfast. We were heading for the factory when Iggy said they had landed and were heading for the hotel. I had left a message at the front desk to give him a key. I told him after meeting with the alpha, I'd either be past to pick him up to go to the hospital or need him to go on without me while I go out to pack land to verify that the two were taken care of.

At the factory the tour was boring as hell but I talked, acted suitably impressed then asked to talk to a supervisor that I'd heard good things about. I was given the use of the meeting room to talk to him. I'd gotten a text saying the enforcers were in the parking lot waiting.

"Sir. I'm Trent Young." The man said coming in. I stood and smiled.

"That's Alpha Trent, Cactus flats pack isn't it." He was surprised.

"Yes. You must be were if you know that but you don't smell like wolf. She smells like tiger."

"She is. Let me introduce myself. Luke Harrison, Dog alpha and king." I saw that calm demeanor crack. He didn't like dogs.

"Can I help you?"

"You can order two of your pack, a man named Angus and his brother, you know I never caught the brothers name, you can order them to surrender to the Wolf Council Enforcers that are waiting in the parking lot."

"Why in the hell would I do that?"

"Because they are guilty of Kidnapping, rape, and assault."

"On the word of a little puke omega. I don't think so."

"I think you should get a little respect in that tone. The Omega you are talking about happens to be my mate. A very pleasant surprise when I met him yesterday." I said taking a menacing step toward him.

"I am not tuning over two of my pack to anyone least of all a mutt."

"You aren't turning them over to me you are turning them over to the wolf council who will verify that the DNA taken from Lucas of the two who attacked him matches the two who are accused. If they are innocent then only a little inconvenience is had. Unless you know they are guilty in which case you won't want them taken at all because it would reflect very poorly on your pack. So which is it? Gonna turn them over prove their innocence or deny them and pretty much confirm that they are guilty."

"How the hell did you get in here?" He demanded ignoring my question.

"Here?" I asked pointing around me. "Winter Products, owned by WS INC, owned by my father in law. That was easy I made a phone call. Now do you call them and turn them over, or do we do this the hard way?" I watched and listened as he called the brothers and asked that they meet him out front as soon as possible. I was waiting as two very average looking guys stepped up to us from the side walk. I waved and the four enforcers quickly took the two in custody.

"Alpha, what the hell is this."

"Angus and Blake Walker you are under arrest by the Wolf council for crimes against a Were dog named Lucas. You can either submit and accompany us back to the council where you will be given a trial and if proven innocent be let go, or you can resist in which case your guilt will be assumed and you will be killed." the two growled and started struggling.

"We didn't do anything to the little ho that he didn't want." I struck out catching first one then the other in the stomach.

"I'd suggest you be more respectful if pressed I can get your current sentence of twenty years in prison changed to death, instantly. The young man you are talking about is to be my mate. By the way I should introduce myself. Luke, Dog alpha and King." Their eyes went wide. "What's it going to be, death in the woods nearby or will you go quietly back and perhaps actually live long enough to maybe have a life again at some point?"

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