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When I wake I extricate from them and dress before heading to the office. Emmy is still there. As I walk in she smiles and laughs.

"It was quite a sight to see Honey start to pant then writhe in her seat suddenly." I gave her a smile. Sliding around her desk she pushes back and then stands up going around the opposite side of the desk from me. "Oh no you don't. We have work to do."

"Yes but work and being responsible led us to no making love for weeks. I'm making up for lost time. Next week I'll find a good balance."

"Forget it. You go work. If you want to make love to a someone go find Ness. I have work, and two phone calls to make to wolf packs being harassed by other wolves for being with us." I stopped and frowned.

"Anything serious?"

"Not yet. I left a report on the two incidents on your desk. You'll want to file a report with the council through proper channels just so it's on record. That way if they cause real trouble later they'll be held accountable." I nod and sigh.

"Alright. I'll be good. You make your phone calls but I want a kiss." she nods and gives me a deep kiss. I let her go reluctantly. Going to my desk I start working.

I'm just finishing up the report she gave me on the two incidents when I notice it's time for dinner. I head for the kitchen. Iggy is there mixing up something.

"Hey. Whatcha doing?" I ask sliding my hands around his waist as he pours the batter into a pan.

"Making brownies. They sounded good for dessert."

"Yum. Good timing I didn't have a dessert planned I was going to leave people to grab ice cream if they wanted."

"See I'm perfect."

"Yes you are." He slides the brownies into the oven. When it's shut I slide my arms around him again. I start to kiss his neck. I see him bite his lip then clear his throat.

"You are supposed to be starting dinner."

"Yes. But I want you for my dinner first." I tease kissing his neck. I turn him around and kiss him. He responds but hesitantly.

"Your mates and kids will be expecting food."

"I'll order pizza, the kids will love that." He pulls my hands from his waist and steps back keeping me from following with a hand to my chest.

"No. Just... No. Make dinner."

"No?" What was wrong. He'd never said no. Not ever. Not even when we'd been arguing. "Iggy is everything alright?"

"You need to make dinner and I need to check on the kids." He says and quickly leaves the room.

"No?" I question the empty room. I turn and look into the fridge for dinner. I needed to make dinner, but my mind was on Iggy. My eyes land on the thawed chicken. I'd originally thought to boil it and make chicken salad but now I was thinking fried chicken. Iggy loved my fried chicken. If he was mad at me then maybe it would help. As I bread the chicken and start frying it I try to think of some reason he might be upset with me. But no matter how much I try I can't think of anything. It wouldn't be the first time he was mad at me for a reason I didn't understand but he'd never told me no to making love. I'd never force it. I liked love making to be natural, organic. I'd ask him later. But what if he shrugged it off. He had done that before when he didn't want to talk about something yet. I'd have to give him time then. I gave a brief worry about him not wanting to make love to me specifically, would making love to Ness be alright but not me. That seemed implausible. He was my first mate, my Iggy, the man who'd wanted me even when I'd been a skinny nothing barely coming into my alpha skin kid. We'd made love two nights ago as well. That couldn't be it.

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