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We get about an hour of sleep then are awakened to the cries of the babies. Don gets up from where he'd been sitting on the other bed. Lucas and I get up and we each take a baby. We head for the kitchen where the bottles are. After feeding them we check diapers change them and I found myself not really willing to give up my first born daughter just yet. I sit at the table. Her tiny hand is wrapped around my thumb. God she's beautiful. I keep thinking. When she's older I'll tell her all about the woman she's named for.

You'd love her Ness. You'd be completely in love with her. I doubt I'd be able to get her out of your arms.

"The mama you are named for, well you might not get to know her but I'll tell you all about her. I think you'll carry her name really well." Lucas is sitting next to me DJ in hand.

"You know I think instinct is spot on with these three. They look like little clones of Don."

"They sure do." I look up at Don.

"I think I'm not the only one who is pretty potent." He winks.

"Ever want to try again just let me know, I'll be there in a flash." I laugh.

"I think we'll wait a good four or five years before anyone has anymore babies." Since I'm up and feeling a lot better I take my babies up to the nursery. It's brilliantly done the walls in both rooms have the same meadow theme but each crib has a different theme. There were a total of ten cribs five in each room. The babies would double up, two in each crib and we'd have plenty of space. I went down to the office and saw Iggy behind my new desk he had a pen in hand and a frown on his face.

"How's work honey?" I say in my sweetest voice. He looks up laughing.

"Just fine sweety, hows the little woman and the kids?" I laugh and being called 'the little woman'.

"They are probably all asleep. We're all wondering around with them. It's good stimulation and we don't really want to give them up yet."

"Tough, since you are here I want a turn." Emmy says bouncing out of her seat. She takes Ness and smiles. "She's so tiny and so cute." I wander over to Mark who seems to be deep in his computer. I lean down and slide a hand down and over his baby belly. He gives a start as he feels me.

"Hey shouldn't you be in bed?" He asks putting his hand over mine.

"I'm alright. Just fed the babies. Emmy stole her so I thought I'd bother you for a minute. How do you three feel?" I ask rubbing his stomach. He smiles.

"We are feeling really good. I'm trying to remind myself that birth is rewarded with little babies to hold but I'm a little freaked out about it."

"Let me guess seeing me give birth spurred that on?"

"Yeah. I know it's probably not as bad as it looks, and it'll be over before I know it but it still freaks me out."

"So you've been burying yourself in work to distract yourself." He nods. "I know another way to distract you." I say running my lips over his jaw and neck.

"Uh-uh, no doc said three days and you are going to be good. No straining yourself. You are still healing. Three days. Friday, you can distract me all you want then. I want you to be okay. Having babies is hard work and you had it condensed into a week. You need time to recover. Promise you'll be good."

"Iggy kissed it made it better earlier and I was fine." Mark looked around me to actually glare at Iggy.

"Doc said three days." He said to Iggy. Iggy chuckled.

"Well he was watching Don and Lucas. It got him all revved up, I couldn't very well leave him like that."

"We're putting a moratorium on all shows until Friday. We can have an orgy then if he wants but Friday, not a minute before then." I was enjoying seeing him so protective of me. He'd been so hesitant about most things but apparently I was to remain healthy no matter what. Iggy glanced at me, I winked at him. Iggy rolled his eyes.

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