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Once done I wondered what to do. I could go back to bed with him, I could work a little, what else? I was thinking about some dinner when I heard the front door open and voices. I went down smiling as my mates came in. The kids were held and half asleep. I took Nate from Alex and headed for their bedroom. Getting him switched to pajamas and then tucked in.

"That was a lot of fun." Ness was saying as I headed with them for bed. "You missed all the teasing from the pack about single handedly doubling the dog population. Also that you managed to find one of the hottest young dogs some of them had ever seen. Not to mention the teasing about him going into heat." I laughed and shook my head.

"How was he? Did it go okay?" Angie asked.

"We had a few rough patches but he's alright. His heat is done."

"We felt him when the claimed sealed." She shifted a hand over his mark on my shoulder. It was two silhouetted dogs facing each other.

"Uh," Iggy started as he stepped closer. "Do you realize that his mark over laps Don's by just a hair." My eyes went wide.

"What?" I headed for the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. Sure enough the edge of an ear was over the edge of Dons paw print. That was how we tied Emmy and Iggy, Honey and Alex. Their claims over lapped. It had all been accidental. I hadn't even thought to make sure he got away from their marks. While the twin thing could be fun, he hadn't known and might not want to be tied to Don. I heard Emmy call for Don. Don showed up. I saw him smile as he saw Lucas tucked in asleep.

"I take it you helped him with his fear? Was there any pain for him? He's still healing." Don was a conscientious man it's one of the many things that makes my love him.

"We had a couple bumps but he's doing better. He kept saying there was no pain and I felt none from him after the claim. There is something Iggy noticed. His mark over laps your own." Don's eyes flipped to my shoulder. "That's how the twinsets were made. I didn't think to double check where he was going to bite. It may not be a definite thing but it's possible. I don't know what he'll think of this. He's a little unpredictable." Don nodded.

"I'm sure we'll manage if we are linked." Don went over and crouched next to the bed to look at my youngest mate.

"Do you feel anything?" I asked.


"We didn't either at first it took time for the link to build. If it's going to happen you'll probably feel it by morning." Emmy said. He chuckled.

"I hope he doesn't mind." Don came over and kissed me. What I thought would be a simple kiss goodnight turned deep and searching. I didn't even think twice as he turned and back me to the wall. I had just done this to Lucas a little while ago. Don shoved my shorts to pool at my ankles. "Do you know how much I've been wanting you lately. Before you left with Angie I had you, twice. I was deep inside you going to fuck you make you come, fill you with my cum and Coco interrupted. Our sweet daughter couldn't sleep. They are asleep and I have you here." He lifted me tucking my legs over his arms and with a sure thrust embedded his cock deep inside of me.

"Yes. Don that's perfect."

"I'm going to fuck you. I'm going to thrust hard," he did it as he talked, "I'm going to make sure you remember that we are mates. You belong to me, I belong to you. I love you Luke." the feel of his thick cock inside me the words made me grit my teeth and my orgasm was there. I tightened around him and he groaned thrusting deep and filling me with his cum. I loved to feel it, hot inside me. I was full of him and I loved it.

"I love you Donavan. God I missed you." I kissed him hard he let go of my legs but I just wrapped them around his legs and held onto him. I held him for long minutes. My body still yearned though. We had another mate one that wasn't linked to anyone that we hadn't made love to recently. My pup and I looked for Ness. She was spread on the bed between Iggy and Emmy. They were watching us. I gave Don another kiss and let go. Heading for her I saw her grin as I crawled up the bed above her on all fours.

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