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As I got up the next morning I decided to do something I'd been debating on. I'd asked Angie and Lucas to marry me I wanted them to have rings. I was going to take them to the mall and have them pick out rings. I watched Ethan, he was happy and his normal self. I agreed with Ephraim if something was going to happen I didn't need to ask him and possibly upset him.

"So Angie, Lucas, you two busy today?" I ask deciding to distract myself from the worry.

"No." They each said.

"Now you are. We're going to go to the mall."

"Why?" Angie asked.

"Because if you are going to marry me you need rings to make sure people know you are taken." I said grinning at them. They both were smiling happily.

"Do you mind if we make it a family trip. You need more clothes since you have grown again and the kids can use some new things for school in a couple weeks." Iggy asked.

"Sure." I said grinning. I loved my family. I'd get to share my happiness with all of them. The kids were excited with the prospect of fun at the mall. I texted Trevor and told him I'd drop Lucian off after our trip to the mall.

It took us two hours to get everyone changed and off to the mall. We slipped in and out of every store buying things for the kids to start school. I bought things for each of my mates. They'd learned I liked to spoil them and didn't argue with the spoiling anymore. I was holding Ethan's hand and teasing Lucas about buying him a shirt with the words doggy style on it and a pug with sunglasses below it, when I feel my pup go on alert. I quickly scan around me and see a group off to one side across the mall hallway. I quickly give Ethan's hand to Lucas.

"Lucas go to Iggy. Tell him we have company." He nodded and picked Ethan up hurrying to the back of the store to get Iggy. I stepped out of the store keeping my eye on the three watching us. They headed for me.

"Dog king." The leader of the three greeted.

"You know me, who are you?" I ask. They smelled like wolves but their smell was slightly off. Not rogue but they weren't attached to any pack.

"I am Patrick, these are my brothers. Ian and Steven."

"It's nice to meet you. Something I can do to help you?" I saw his eyes flick behind me. I slipped a quick glance and saw Iggy Emmy and Don standing there. Iggy, and Emmy were pregnant. I didn't want them hurt. The three held out hands carefully to their sides.

"Sorry for startling you and your mates. We weren't sure you'd even speak with us given we are wolves."

"I don't hold that against you. Why were you wanting to see me?"

"We would like to join your pack. We understand you have accepted other wolves and hoped that you would accept us."

"Why are you wanting that?"

"We have been shoved aside by our old pack. Not cast out but neither are we accepted anymore."

"Why?" They shared a look and the leader sighed.

"We are only half wolf. Our father was wolf, we take after him and are wolves but the other half of us is not acceptable to the pack anymore. They don't want us passing it on to other wolves."

"What was your mother?"

"Lacerta." my eye went up they were beyond rare. Lacerta were a kind of reptile, similar to a lizard.

"May I ask what happened to her?"

"We don't really know. She left one day to go to the store and never came home. We understand if you would rather not have us either."

The Alpha's Mates: Family is all you needWhere stories live. Discover now