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I swallowed and with some difficulty stepped back until I held only one of his hands. He was breathing ragged. I waited to see what he would do.

"Right, uh I'll admit that was a lot nicer than I was figuring but I don't know. You are alpha that makes me the bitch and while theoretically there is nothing wrong with that..." He trailed off blushing.

"You were expecting to be the top not the bottom." He nodded. "Look I would never force a mate or a claim. Lets be friends. We won't promise anything but don't close yourself off either. Alright?"

"Alright. Working for you we can get to know each other." He said agreeing with me. I smiled.

"You never know you might find I'm irresistible." I tease. He chuckles.

"Your mates certainly think so. Uh, what will they think about this?"

"That you are nuts and should be falling into my arms thinking sexy thoughts. Don't worry they'll try to talk me up and convince you that being my mate will make you happy. Feel free to listen or tell them to butt out. They won't take it personally. I have one small request though." he frowns but nods. "I would appreciate it if we could talk through text. So I can be sure you are safe. Say goodnight, good morning, things like that. Pack I trust to take care of themselves and call me when I'm needed. With mates I'm a little obsessive."

"So I've been told. Mom thinks it's so sweet that you are so protective of your mates and kids."

"Speaking of kids. I think I'll probably leave them out of this loop for now. They'll not understand why you aren't sure and be a pain about it I'm sure." He chuckles.

"Right. It's kind of much to think I could inherit five kids in one move."

"Well actually it'll be around fourteen or fifteen. At last count." He stared at me wide eyed.


"My mates are pregnant. All of them but Don, and well, you."

"Don actually remember condoms?" He teased. I smiled.

"I never use condoms with him. For whatever reason he was born without the ability to get pregnant. There's a lot to know and learn about your new family. Feel free to ask them any questions you want. I'm sure they'll tell you anything you want to know." He nodded.

"Right. We should get back to the party. Uh, would it be okay. I kind of need a minute here." I noticed his hand stray to his jeans and adjust himself. He'd gotten hard from our brief make out session.

"If you don't mind, I can help with that."

"Uh, how?" He asked me nervous.

"I know how to kiss it make it better." I waited to see he wanted to I could tell but he wasn't sure. "I don't expect the same in return. I've got other mates to help me if I need it." He nodded. I led him to a bench against one wall and sat him down. He just let me move him around. While I opened his jeans I keep my pup tightly in hand. He wanted to go a lot father than a blow job but I wasn't going to push Mark. He was biting his lip his hands clenching the bench tightly. He was hard and just starting to drip. I took him in hand testing his reaction. He clenched his jaw and closed his eyes. It was probably better this way. Bending forward I took him in my mouth. He moaned and grunted. I tasted him slowly. I wasn't sure when I'd get to do this again, if ever, so I was going to take my time and savor this. I let him slip from my mouth and licked his length, little kisses all over then a long lick up his shaft. I took his tip in my mouth swirling my tongue around his tip. He grunted and whined.

"I'm going to cum." He warns me seconds before he bursts into my mouth. I swallowed all of his cum before lifting to look him in the eyes. He was watching me. I smiled.

The Alpha's Mates: Family is all you needWhere stories live. Discover now