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Iggy was my Luna and Queen to my King. He took care of the pack here in town with Alex's help. Emmy worked with me taking care of those who aren't local. Honey was our secretary slash assistant since she had a degree in economics and business. Don was Protection for our family and worked security for the pack locally and helped with the groups out of town to make sure they were all safe. I'd given him a Boxing gym a couple years ago for our anniversary and it worked great as a place to train pack to fight in defense or enforcers to do their jobs. It also brought in a little money. Though that was hardly needed since Iggy had inherited a trust from his mom which had made him a multimillionaire. That account had dwindled when we first were mated and had our pack, but with some real-estate investments and investing in his fathers company it was growing steadily. Ness when she wasn't working as enforcer for the pack was basically just a house wife. Though taking care of me, herself, five other mates, five kids and our mansion of a house was impressively hard work.

"Well I guess I'll go back to the paper work." I gave Iggy a kiss on the cheek and headed back to my office. I hated the paperwork but as Dog King it kind of was a necessity. I kept at it until six came then I dropped my pen, happy to do so, and headed for the kitchen. I might be king but one thing I'd done since I'd mated with Iggy was cook for my pack. I liked caring for my pack, and my family. Cooking for them each night was a pleasure for me. I had been thinking of lasagna tonight so I got out everything and started to cook. I was just starting to layer the ingredients when Don, short for Donavan, came in. He kissed my cheek and stole a slice of sausage that I was putting in the lasagna.

"Hey you need to pay for that." I tease him and turn my face for a kiss. He laughs and kisses me.

"How was your day?" He asked me.

"I did paperwork." I said raising a lip in disgust. He laughed.

"Looks like you lived through it." He said and stepped up behind me again. He was rubbing his hips against mine and licking at my neck. Don was my mate and I was alpha but when we made love, more often then not he would top me. While Iggy had done the same from time to time, when he did I was still alpha and dominant to him. With Don when we made love and he topped, he was truly dominant. I was his submissive in our love making. It was not a usual dynamic. Alpha's rarely bottomed for anyone let alone was a true submissive for anyone. We had a Full Moon Luna Link. Iggy and I were the ones who were the center of the link but the effects such as mellowing of personalities and other things were felt by all my mates. Combine that easy going nature I got with the Link and the fact that I trusted Don and I was more than happy to let him lead. Iggy hadn't understood our dynamic when I had first mated Don. He'd wanted to so he understood how Don fit so he could care for him well. I'd had to explain that even though I was dog king and alpha that I liked feeling taken care of by Don when we made love. His ability to protect and be a source of strength was one thing that made me able to truly relax and just be taken care of at times. I always felt the need to protect and take care of my other mates. Only don made me able to let go completely and be taken care of.

He was starting to get hard and I was more than willing to stand right here and let him do whatever he wanted. His hand snuck into my slacks and began to tug at my length.

"Don." I moaned as he picked up his pace and brought me closer to climax. I new he wouldn't drop my slacks and have me right here because there was the worry that our kids could pop into the room with no notice. But it had been almost two weeks since I'd made love to any of them. It kept getting derailed.

"Bathroom." I said and tugged him into step. In the bathroom I locked the door before turning so he could kiss me deep and I groaned. He stripped my pants from me and dropped his to his knees. He had just spread my ass and thrusted deep when I heard a scream.

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