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He rubbed my cheek. "It's alright. Can I ask what happened between you?"

"After the fight. She'd tried to help me. She got scratched up."

"No doubt scaring you out of a years life."

"I'd wanted her so much and then seeing her hurt, it all combusted. I wasn't as gentle as I would prefer when making love to someone, especially her first time. But I didn't have any control left. I was still knotted inside of her when I realized what I'd done. Then Ness and Alex told me that they are pregnant. Iggy I thought I was going to lose you. All of you. And my babies all of them. I love you so much. All of you. But... I didn't betray you?" he chuckled.

"No. You didn't. Seeing her hurt, must not have been easy. I know how you are. But she's fine, so are we. This explains why you sounded so weird on the phone." I sat back against the bed and pulled him to straddle my lap. I just hugged him to me and took a deep breath inhaling his scent. We sat there for several long minutes not talking finally he pulled back. "We love you Luke. You need to have more faith in yourself. You'd never cheat on us, never betray us. You rarely realize when someone is flirting with you. We know you too well to ever think you'd really do that. You should know that of yourself as well. You've sworn up and down multiple times you'd never do that. We know you wouldn't. When you couldn't stop thinking about her when you wanted more than to be her friend you should have asked if you were confused. Though I don't think I'm going to wait and assume you are actually on the right page." he leaned in and kissed me. I took the kiss and took it deep. He moaned and rubbed against me. Pulling back he chuckled and took a breath.

"While I'm enjoying this I think there is someone else here who'd like the reassurance." I followed his gaze to Angie. She was grinning at us. I stood and went to her. She laughed and threw herself at me when I opened my arms for her. I kissed her how I been wanting to. Full bodied and full of meaning. She was mine, my mate. And I was going to claim her tonight. When I broke the kiss to breath she looked at Iggy.

"I was sure I'd just ruined his life by not being able to say no to myself." Iggy rolled his eyes.

"No doubt torturing yourself about wanting a married man. This is what happens when I let him think for himself. I'm never going to do that again." Iggy teased. I pulled him over and kissed him again. "With this mating figured out how about we go and you can introduce me to the other one." I stared jaw dropped.

"Uh, I just got two mates. That's two claims, and moving and..."

"Alright worry wort don't start. Lets go talk to him first."

In the elevator down I kept a Iggy's hand in mine and I kept randomly touching Angie. She was mine I could touch her as much as I wanted to now. The elevator dinged and we headed for the rental car. I held Angie's door then opened Iggy's for him. Before letting him slide in I pulled him in and kissed him again. I pressed him back against the car and kissed him passionately. He moaned and held tight to me.

"When we get home I'm going to remind us both that I love you. I'm going to keep you naked and shifted for hours." he chuckled. "I love you Iggy, so very, very much."

"I love you too Luke. Can I get in the car now?" I laughed and let him slide in. I was bouncing as we headed toward the hospital. Angie was watching me as we walked through the corridors.

"What?" I asked her taking her hand.

"I'm just getting a kick out of how happy you are. I don't think I really realized how upset you were."

"I was. But I don't have to be now. You are mine, you'll be a part of my family and it makes me so very happy." I kiss her before stepping into Lucas' room.

The Alpha's Mates: Family is all you needWhere stories live. Discover now