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I pushed him back and took a breath to calm myself.

"Luke, I want you." he says kissing me again.

"You can have me but not in the car. We should go home. Let me get someone to drive us. You get in the back seat I'll be right back." He nods and takes a deep breath. I hurry through the house to find someone. The first I come to is Trevor.

"Hey where's Lucas they want to find out what baby theme he likes."

"He's gone into heat." I say quickly. He stares.

"Crap. He okay?"

"No. I need to get him home. You busy can you drive us home?"

"Sure. Give me a sec I'll be right there." I nod and hurry for my closest mate. It's Angie.

"Hey, you are missing the fun. Honey's got a pool going on how many babies Ness is really going to have. Hey you okay?" she says frowning at me.

"Lucas has gone into heat."

"Oh no." she says worry sliding over her face. "But he's not healed yet what are you going to do?"

"Take him home Doc did say that the damage was technically healed. Hopefully I won't hurt him. Can you tell the others?"


"And the kids, tell them I'm sorry that I have to leave. I'll make it up to them."

"Right. It's okay. Go on. Take care of him. Iggy and Emmy showed up here a little while ago, and Don texted to say he'd be here when he closed the Gym. You'll be alone at home."

"Right. I love you all." I hurriedly kissed her and headed back for Lucas. Trevor was waiting by the car. It took only a few minutes to drive us around the territory to our house. Dad and I lived on opposite ends for security of the territory. Others lived around the other edges.

"Thanks Trevor."

"Sure. Good luck Luke." Lucas was trying to keep calm but the minute we were in the house he was pulling at my shirt.

"Luke, what's going on, I've never felt like this before."

"Lucas, love, you've gone into heat."

"Heat, but why would I do that?"

"I'm guessing because you were upset about finding out your pregnant. I'm sure worried about whether or not I really want you. Whether I mean what I say about the baby. I haven't claimed you yet your pup is doubting me. So your pup is going to ensure that I mean it, that I want you. Lucas love I mean it, I want you. I want this baby. But I'm going to be honest, with your heat I don't know what to do."

"Make love to me, that's what will soothe a heat. You have seven other mates surely you know that." He asked his hands continue the caress of my body. I was hard and ready for him but...

"Yes, but you are still healing if I try to mate with you, claim you, it will hurt you. I can't do that. I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't. You never could. Make love to me please." his heat was getting stronger, I could see his eyes shift to his pups brown. I scooped him up in my arms and went for the bedroom. I laid him out on the bed that he'd used the night before. He pulled at his clothes until he lay naked before me. His length was hard and already dripping for me. I send a hand and checked, his body was producing slick, reading itself for entry. It would hurt him though. Lucas pulled at me and pulled off my shirt than began to shove at my pants. I gave in and stripped naked. I lay beside him and began to kiss him. I stroked his length making him moan and writhe. His lean young body was spread out for me. He was open and his body was throwing out a delicious scent. But how could I do this and not hurt him? Would oral be enough? I doubted it. It hadn't been enough for Ness, or Alex when he'd gone into Heat. Iggy's heat, I hadn't even thought to resist him or do anything other than fuck him senseless.

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