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When my knot went down I carefully got him up the bed and under the covers. I lay spooned behind him just holding him. I knew when he was going to wake his heat kicked up, the smell going straight to my cock and making it rigid. He tightens and relaxes as he wakes. His eyes fluttered open and he turned to smile up at me.

"Hi." He says simply. I grin.

"Hi. How do you feel?"

"Wonderful." He rolls to face me, his arms around my chest his nose buried against my collar bone. "I didn't expect it to feel so..." He smiled and kissed my skin, "freeing." He looked up at me still smiling.

"Will you make love to me, claim me?"


"Then do it." He says and kisses me. His heat flares and he presses against me. I let instinct guide me and I roll him to his back. Would he panic still? Would I need to keep him above me? Maybe I should keep him above me for now, just to be sure. I rolled back over but took him with me. He smiled and slid over me. His kisses were leading, his hands excited my skin, made my nerves tingle and my body thrum for him. I let my hands wander over him but I kept my caress light. I didn't want to get rough and scare him. I would stay light and gentle. He moaned his hips slipping over mine rubbing his cock to mine. Spreading his legs he pressed tighter to me. I could smell his heat kick up.

"Claim me Luke. I want to make sure you are mine forever."

"Yes. Now and forever." He kissed me. I felt him reach and line my length up with his entrance. His eyes were tight on mine as he took me in. I saw that moment of panic but he didn't give into it. He kept his eyes, his hands, his full attention on me. I realized he'd found a way to fight the panic. His mind kept throwing it up that it was those bastards with him again but it was me. He was showing himself, his pup that it was only me. He couldn't get a a rhythm going his heat wanted faster, his body still wanted to panic some. His mind was trying to let it all go and just be with me. Gripping his hips I thought to help. I held him still and braced my heals. Pushing up and letting my hips fall I started my own rhythm of stroking inside him. He bit his lip then moaned. He moaned again, groaned. Grunted, whined. All manner of sounds came from him as I stroked in and out of him.

"You feel so good. Luke." He smiled down at me and pressed down stilling me deep inside of him. "I want to try it with you above me."

"I don't want to scare you."

"I know. I don't know if it will or not but I want to try. I don't want to remember them anymore I want it to be you I think of. Above me, behind me, inside me. Sucking my cock, playing with my entrance. Your hands on my body. I want everything they did to me to be replaced by you." I nodded. I carefully rolled him beneath me. His eyes never strayed from my face. I pressed at his entrance. A brief flit of wariness but it was gone and he smiled. I began to stroke inside of him.

"More." He moaned. I went faster. I pressed hard. I listened to the breathes, the moans, the encouragement of his body. "Yes. It's wonderful." He says his eyes finally closing as his body shakes, shivers, and comes apart in my arms. I keep moving drawing him up and making the pleasure roll through him.

"The claim do the claim." I urge feeling myself get closer. He cries out as he breaks. I feel his teeth sink into my shoulder and I bite into his neck. I mark him as mine. I feel his mind spring into mine and I break again filling him, knotting him. I feel him shift and I shift to my half shape. This would be the test. Would he be afraid of me like this? I waited watching as his body stopped shaking his eyes came open. He saw me and growled trying to get away.

"Lucas, it's me. It's me. It's alright. You are going to hurt yourself it's alright. I'm not going to hurt you calm down. Please listen to me listen to my voice." I had to pin him down so he'd not hurt me or himself. "Lucas my love it's just me." He stopped struggling. I felt him move under me but he wasn't struggling. His eyes cleared. He gave a whine and tears slipped down his cheek.

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