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Abruptly she pulled back I worried for a second until I saw her shimming down my body to tug at my pants. I let her get them open and pushed apart before I pulled her back up for another kiss. I kicked my legs and pushed however I could until my pants fell off the end of the bed. I didn't let her see or think about the rather large bulge in my briefs. I wanted her to be lost to the pleasure not to fear of whether I would fit or how much it might hurt. With practiced ease I popped the back of her bra open. She gasped and tried to cover herself. I flipped the bra away but let her cover her breasts with her hands. Rolling over I pulled her hands from her chest so I could see her. She was bright red as I stared at her.

"You are so beautiful."

"I'm tiny and not much of a girl. You have mates who are far more woman than I'll ever be." She said.

"No woman is the same as any other and I find appreciation in many forms. I definitely find it in you." I bent and took a little mound into my mouth. I sucked her into my mouth, rolled her around then let her slip till just her nipple was in my mouth. Someday I'd see these breasts full of milk and our child at her nipple suckling. The thought had me aching. I gave her other breast the same treatment before sliding down. I licked over her stomach and down to the tops of her panties. I pushed at them then stripped them down her legs and flipped them to the floor. I smiled, she was trimmed neat, her hair just framing her sweet pussy. A hand tried to cover her but I pushed it away. Instead she pulled her hands up and tucked them under her chin. She was nervous, unsure.

I spread her legs though I could feel that she wanted to shut them tight. Putting my head between her legs I didn't hesitate but pressed a tongue between her sweet lips to find her clit. She gasped. I had to hold her legs apart as she wiggled and tried to clench them tight around my head. I didn't stop but sucked, twirled, and massaged her clit till she was crying out and breaking apart under me. Her body went lax as the climax rolled away. I shoved at my briefs while she wasn't looking, moving up to her mouth I kissed her. While she kissed back I retch for a condom. She watched me tear it open but when her eyes flicked to follow the movement I kissed her again. No reason to scare her. I would fit but she would be very tight. A finger to her folds, I teased and caressed until she was breaking again. I pushed that finger further and found her entrance she was very slim, very tight. This was going to hurt her a lot. I began to tease again. It would be best done when she was lost in orgasm. Her breathing was deep and gasping, she broke. I lined up with her entrance and covered her mouth with mine as I thrust hard and deep inside of her. Her scream was lost in my mouth I held still and held her gently.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I knew it would hurt. You were very tight, very small. I'm so sorry. It'll never happen again. I promise. Only pleasure." I raised up and looked down at her. She was biting her lip. "Are you okay? I can wait, as long as you need." If it took all damn night I'd stay just like this so she would be alright.

"It's easing. I just wasn't expecting... you are a lot bigger than a swan. If I'd mated to a swan they would be a lot smaller. Your wives, mates are very impressive to make love to you regularly."

"They'd laugh at that. I'm sure they'd tell you I wasn't always so large."

"You weren't?" She questioned confused.

"One side effect of the Full Moon Luna link is that I can jump power. Unfortunately that means I also have grown size, all over."

"I see." She bit her lip. Then smiled. "The pain is gone if you want to, do whatever." I smiled and gave her the gentlest kiss I knew. I pulled back slightly and pushed inside of her. I hadn't even been in her all the way the first time and as I pushed in further this time I hit the velvety end of her before I was in all the way. Oh damn, I liked being inside my mates all the way and I was being extra gentle with her, so I wasn't pushing her as far as I would other mates. I really hoped Rance was doing alright. The thought of him made worry for him.

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