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She didn't protest as I pulled her wet top from her.

"I've never thought about it before but you like skirts don't you. You seem to wear them a lot." I tugged at the one she had on.

"Yes. Well I'm a girl. They make me feel all girly and pretty. This one's got a zipper by the way." I slid around till I felt it and unzipped it. It floated up and I flipped it away.

"You are one of those girls who likes matching sets. I didn't peg you for the skulls and cross bones though." She laughed.

"Hey they are pink and white at least."

"True. Will you show me what you look like as a mermaid?" I asked. She bit her lip and nodded.

"If you really want me too."

"I should tell you that my mates and I have a Full Moon Luna Link."

"And what's that?"

"That makes our lives complicated. We'll do the whole run down about it later but the reason I bring it up now is because when I make love to my mates, even for the claim we'll shift and I knot."

"Knot, you really do that?"

"Yes. Didn't you know that?"

"I wasn't sure, it's not something I can just ask someone. I thought it was just a fan fiction thing." I laughed and pulled her into my arms.

"No, it's a real thing. I'll shift to half shape, I'll have a light dusting of fur all over I'll be between human and my dog shape."

"What kind of dog are you?"

"Doberman. Black and tan."

"Cool. I always liked dogs."

"Yeah and you could never figure out why dogs were always afraid of me."

"Now I know." Her hands went down to my waist and tugged at my pants. I let her undue them and slip them down and off me. I just smiled as she went under water to pull them off and then my briefs. I saw her eyes go wide and she stood up to look at me.

"Uh, now I know I am not experienced but I've seen porn. You are a little bigger than the average. You really fit inside them regularly?"

"Yes. Don't worry I'll fit inside you as well."

"So, you have a half shape?"


"I do as well."

"Mermaids have half shapes? How does that work?"

"Well technically what people see as mermaids in movies and what other were's see is the half shape. Full shape is a little much for most people."


"Well, have you ever looked up mermaids in actual mythology?"


"Well the original myths have us right we aren't really that pretty. Half shape is what became the legends of sirens and such. The pretty half fish girl who seduces the jaunty sailor. Full shape we can be a little scary."

"Will you show me?"

"Uh, really? I mean I'm humanoid, but I have the whole scaly fish thing going on, snake eyes, sharp teeth. Sure I've got the hair and the boobs but I'm really not a turn on."

"You do know that Iggy is a snake right?"


"Then you should know that what you just described is not a turn off. I think he's beautiful in full shape and have made love to him just like that. If we try that we're going to need the shallow end of this pool though. I don't breath under water." She chuckled.

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