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I hadn't needed to ask if they wanted to do the claim. I was guessing that's why our shifts and my knot suddenly receded. "I'm curious though how have you not touched before this?"

"I was a little ticked at him so I was avoiding him. Then trying to keep it under wraps that I was desiring him a lot." Iggy said.

"Iggy I'd never cheat." Rance said shaking his head. "I've wanted my mate, and people to love me for too long to do something that stupid."

"I believe you. How did you get past the biting with Luke, maybe I'll steal his move."

"Well, I wasn't sure that would work for you, but you are my mate I bet it works just fine. I kept eye contact and he told me he loved me. It was what I needed. A connection that I'd dreamed of. You are my mate, you were a great and sexy guy to begin with but add on that you are mine and I'm there. I want you. I love you." Rance says. Iggy grinned.

"When I mated to Luke I got that instant love, with you it's the same, a love that just seems to be perfect and right. Emmy, I love her so very much but it was a love that developed and was learned." I saw Rance frown slightly.

"Iggy. I'm pregnant with Luke's baby, does that bother you?" He asked worried. Iggy chuckled and glanced at me.

"No. He's been telling the mates that it was fine to share each other. We were all his and all family so it was fine. I kept wondering at that but I get it now. He's mine, you are mine. It's sexy as all get out that you are pregnant with his baby. Can I kiss you?" He asked Rance. Rance smiled and nodded. The kiss was light and sweet at first but Iggy clasped him tight to his chest and pulled until Rance was sitting across his lap. The pool door popped open and Emmy stepped in. Iggy looked at her and snorted.

"I forgot you'd feel that."

"Yeah, and I swear a minute ago I felt a mating spark." She asked staring.

"Rance and I sparked." Iggy explained. "Hey I wonder if he is my mate will that over flow to you." Emmy came over and ran her hand over Rance's arms. No one seemed to feel anything.

"None of you sparked for each other though you are all my mates." I pointed out.

"I guess I'm just getting the over flow. I'll just watch though. Rance you are sweet and the kids love you but I'm not interested, no offence."

"None taken. Honestly that goes both ways. I've never been attracted to women."

"Hmm, then maybe I won't have to watch and suffer alone." I say and tug Emmy closer to me. She chuckled.

"There's an idea I can get behind." She said. We turned our attention to the other two in the building and watched as
Iggy kissed him again. The kiss went deep and Iggy laid Rance out on the floor. I knew how Iggy made love the hands that went everywhere. I knew how the kisses would feel. The way he stroked your body to get you revved and ready. Iggy's skin was pale from being inside all the time. His dark hair was combed back and slicked for the party. His mouth was sealed over Rance's. I could see Rance was getting lost in the caresses.

Emmy slid into my lap. I pulled up her skirt and slipped my hand into her panties as Iggy laid between Rance's legs.

I was enraptured seeing Rance so lost. I was really thinking all he really needed was his mate. It was such a pleasure to see Iggy so lost to someone besides me. Emmy was moaning and writhing in my lap as Iggy slipped to Rance's entrance. His cock thrust in, in one long push. Rance gasped and moaned.

"God it feel so different with you." He told Iggy his hands digging into Iggy's back. Iggy rolled his hips and picked up his pace. "Iggy, my god that feels so good. It's really so different with you." Iggy pulled up, he thrust deep and held still. When Rance's eyes met his he kissed him deep and ran gentle knuckle over Rance's cheek. I saw Rance melt into the touch.

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