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"Lawrance, you've been avoiding me." I heard the foxes teeth grit.

"I've told you a million times Ezekiel, it's Rance. You know I don't like my full name and you only use it when you are annoyed with me. I broke up with you, so of course I'm avoiding you. I told you I met my mate why in the hell would I keep seeing you." The man's eyes went to me. He was in charge but to my knowledge Hyena's were led by a female. How had he become pack leader?

"You expect me to believe that, you, are mate to a king? Where is your claim mark?" Rance blushed. Obviously this was going a lot farther than he thought. He probably figured having a living breathing person at the mall would make them leave him alone, obviously not.

"We haven't gotten that far. I might have let you fuck me right off the bat but he's different he's my mate I want more than just his body." I saw that the implication being he had no such interest in the hyena wasn't lost on the pack leader. I stepped forward tugging Rance behind me.

"Whatever your issue with him, he is mine and under my protection. I would prefer a diplomatic solution to this." Especially since as we'd talked a dozen Hyena had entered the room. "Leader to leader there must be a way." He settled back onto the edge of the desk.

"Alright, if he is your mate, claim him."

"Claim him?"

"Yes here and now. You've what seven or eight other mates," Again I felt Rance hold tighter to me. He really didn't know anything about me obviously. "You are a well practiced man. Unless the crowd bothers you."

"For one thing." I told him. He gave a wave. All but the original two guards that had come with us into the room left.

"There. I'll make it even better for you." He went to an intercom in his desk. "Please bring in the bed from my room." I felt annoyance stir. He was making fun of me now. A group of men brought in a frame, box springs, mattress, and even made it up before leaving again. I went over to the bed. It was a nice bed. As I walked around it I saw chains and heavy cuffs at each corner of the bed. I lifted one and looked at the man. He smiled.

"Rance likes the cuffs." I looked at the fox who was blushing and looking away. If you had to chain someone down then it wasn't making love. Sure some people liked it and it could add some spice if you needed it. I however was pretty sure that this man wasn't doing it by mutual consent. I wrapped my hand around the chain and jerked breaking the cuff off the chain. I walked around it doing the same to each of the others I found. Ezekiel laughed.

"What, don't like knowing I had him chained up and fucked him just like the bitch he is?" I gave a growl. Yeah this guy hadn't been doing anything but tormenting Rance. Whether he was my mate or not, didn't matter. When you loved someone, even barely cared for them you should make love with care and pleasure. Sure he probably got off but had Rance actually liked it? I looked at the fox.

"Tell me honestly, did you enjoy any of it?" He swallowed.

"Some of it." He said and looked away. Turning to Ezekiel I started for him. The two guards stepped between us. The hyena leader laughed.

"Now, now. I left no lasting injury."

"I want recompense for the hurt done to him."

"But you heard him he liked it."

"He said 'some of it' which means you did things to him he did not consent to. Once you had him chained up you did what you wanted."

"Aren't you cute gone all pissy because I hurt your mate? I believe it a little more now but I'm still going to insist on seeing you claim him."

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