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"So, then while I've been busy what have you been up too?"

"Not much. I spend most of my time either with the kids or in the pool. Iggy and Alex keep that house perfect so I've been working in the garden. Going in to fall I got it ready for winter so at this point I'm not doing much."

"What about your pond?"

"It's dug but were having trouble deciding on a couple things so I'm gonna wait till spring to finish it. With how many babies we're gonna have in the house I think I'm going to want a project to give me something else other than bottles and diapers to do."

"Seems like a good idea." I say laughing. "I'm thinking I'll just buy diapers a skid at a time." I saw her go serious and drift off in thought. Reaching over I took her hand. She started and tried smiling at me. "Alright, come on, something is bothering you. Won't you tell me so I can help?" I saw her eyes water. Pulling over I put it in park and turn to her. "Hey, why are you crying, what's wrong?" I shifted as close as the console would let me and pulled her over to hug her. "Libby, my sweet, what's wrong?" She started to cry.

"You don't love me." She says around sobs.

"What? Why on earth would you say that? Of course I love you. Why would I be marrying you, having a baby with you if I didn't love you?"

"It's the stupid mating spark. If we hadn't had it you'd still be avoiding me." She had me there. If she hadn't been turned and was still human I'd be putting as much distance between us as possible. But she'd been turned, we'd had the spark that had changed everything for us. I was pretty sure I'd had this conversation with her before.

"Libby, I can't argue that. You are right but that doesn't mean what I feel now is fake. Or some kind of front. It's real. I do love you."

"Not like you love them."

"Them? Them who?"

"Iggy, Emmy, Don, Alex, Honey, all of them. Even Rance who isn't even a mate has found his niche and found a way into the inner sanctum. I just keep feeling out in the cold. Now I know why the clutch kept saying that mixing with other races was a bad idea. I'm not like them. I don't have the same drive, the same instinct they do. I just..." She sighs.

"Just what?"

"Part of me actually regrets making you touch me, get the mating spark." I felt like someone had kicked me in the chest. She regretted being my mate? "I see you with them and realized that no matter how I try to fool myself you aren't really mine. You don't seem to have the same draw to me as you do them. I know Iggy's different. He was your first mate, he is your Luna, your other half. Emmy gets a special place because of her tie to him and she was your second mate. The others each have their little places, the little things that sets them apart and draws you to them. I just seem to be hanging on by a thread. Just because of the mating spark. I'm not needed, why would goddess bring me to you if I'm not needed. It just seems mean."

"But you are needed, leave out the mating spark, the claim, everything else. You have one thing over them that makes you very special to me. That keeps you steadily in my heart. Even before you were turned I had a special place in my heart for you. You were the first person who ever wanted me. You knew me without all the dog stuff, the Lycan troubles. You knew me as a boy who wanted to be wanted. Every time I look at you I feel like that boy the first time we went out on a date. I was so excited and nervous. We had such a good time. You were my first kiss. When all the pressure of life of trying to be King and Alpha gets to me, I'll see you just doing something perfectly normal. You remind me of that boy who just wanted to be wanted, needed, useful. I get back to why I bother with any of it and it gives me the strength I need to go on. You do that simply by existing. That's why Goddess brought you to me. You give me a strength that the others never can, simply by existing and wanting to be with me. That is why I love you. No mating spark or anything else can change that. Had I just been human when we were kids, I'd never have let you go, move or no move. I'd have spent every dime of money I had flying to see you where ever you were. It was being human that kept us apart. That doesn't exist anymore. You are so much more now and we can be together no matter what." She slips up and hugs me tight.

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