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The two jerk apart and Tommy slides his pants back on.

"We aren't." Tommy tries as he zips up his pants.

"Yeah right, you really think that's gonna work given you are zipping up your pants. No, look it's good you guys are always at each others backs. In more than one way. Now if you'd just get over yourselves and admit that you like each other you could be really happy." Rance tells them. Brice rolls his eyes.

"If you are awake you can go home now." I slide from the bed to grab my pants. As I slide them on I see Tommy's eyes linger on my half hard cock. Brice reaches over and slaps him in the shoulder rather hard.

"What, if you don't want me why do you care?"

"I care because your ass is still full of my cum."

"So, you said you didn't want me."

"I didn't say that." I smiled listening to them argue. Tommy really did like Brice but Brice was sticking to his 'I'm not gay' thing.

"Yes you did."

"No I didn't. you said I wanted you and I told you to shut up. I never said I didn't want you."

"So you do?" Brice snapped his mouth shut. I chuckled. Both men looked at me.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Sorry, it's just that I have a mate who was like you. Swore up and down he wasn't gay and couldn't be my mate. Swore it right up till he slept with someone else." All three of the men with me went round eyed. "It didn't make him happy like he thought it would. He realized that he wanted me, he's come to truly love me now. Being gay doesn't matter, who cares about stupid labels. What matters is if you want him, care for him." I stared at Brice, "Can you say, honestly, that if he did fall for someone else that you could just walk away. You wouldn't be the least bit pissy that someone else was holding him, kissing him, cuming inside of him just like you did bare minutes ago." I saw him fighting the anger he was trying to ignore. I decided to goose him along. I looked at Tommy. "You know that might not be a bad thing. You are hot, tight ass, hot cock," I could see Brice turning red with anger. "I might be able to swing talking my mates into agreeing if you wanted to join my pack." I saw him watch me warily till he saw me look at Brice then he realized I was just teasing.

"Hmm," Tommy hummed acting like he was thinking it over. "Could be fun, have a king for a lover. Nice cock, pretty good sugar daddy I bet." Brice lost his fight. He jerked Tommy back and behind him.

"You lay one fucking hand on him I'll bite it off I don't care who the fuck you are. He's mine." I grinned real big while Tommy threw his arms around him from behind.

"See you do want me." Tommy said kissing his cheek. Brice looked stunned as he stared at me. "So why are you being all teenage girl about it?" Rance was laughing hysterically at the stunned look on Brice's face.

"You jerk. You did that shit on purpose." he accused.

"Yes. But don't you feel better now, knowing how you really feel?" he rubbed the back of his neck and turned to look at Tommy. Tommy looked worried.

"Maybe not. Can't even admit it now can you. Not even though you basically just said it."

"It's not like you ever said you wanted more than a quick fuck from me." Brice said to Tommy angrily.

"Of course not you idiot. If I had you'd have gone straight to Zeke and asked to be reassigned. Being on guard duty and being your friend was all I thought I'd ever get. But I'll save you the trouble." he headed for the door Zeke had disappeared through. Brice had a look of panic on his face as he ran after him and grabbed him.

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