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Iggy looks at me.

"That's ten, trying for an even dozen?" He teases.

"According to Ethan I will have Eleven." He raises an eyebrow.

"When did you learn that?"

"Earlier today actually. So one more to go."

"I suppose you are going to want to claim her tonight the whole shebang." I looked at Libby. Sure my pup was interested now that we knew she was a mate but neither of us were in a rush over her. I saw her face fall when I didn't immediately jump at the chance. I took her hand.

"Don't be hurt. It's just a little bit of a sudden change. I do want you as mate. I think it'd be nice to have someone who knew me before the whole king thing." She smiled making me feel a little better.

"You were so cute. You are totally cute now and still so much the same guy, just hotter." I laughed. I glanced at Iggy. He was staring at her curiously. I took his hand.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I just, Ephraim told me once, when you mated Don that if I kept an open mind my jealousy and things would go away. He's right again. Thinking about it with an open mind. I got to say I don't want to brain her with a chair now." Libby laughed.

"That's good for me. Ignacio, I'm sorry, you were right I couldn't give up on him. I am sorry that I've been a pain in your side but can we be friends?"

"I think we can get there eventually. For now, why don't you come sit with us while we finish dinner. Emmy is going to have a fit." Iggy says and heads off. Libby falls into step with me.

"She uh, she won't try and hurt me will she?"

"I don't think so but Iggy and I wouldn't let her if she tried." I saw Iggy telling the group quietly what had happened. Emmy was on her feet.

"Are you out of your damn mind?" She asked me as I stepped up to the table.

"It wasn't my choice. Goddess has a plan I'm assuming. She's been good to us we can't really go against her now."

"Take a breath try to keep an open mind about it." Iggy says.

"Open mind. This is the woman who was practically a stalker when we were first mated."

"Hey I wasn't that bad." Libby says. Honey turns to Libby.

"At least I can finally explain all the things that I couldn't before."

"Boy do I have a few questions for you." The two women laughed. I saw Emmy drop her hands on her hips. The growl she let out made my pup sit up. He wasn't sure any more than I was on what to do. Did we back Emmy, or protect Libby from her. Emmy stepped around the table and grabbed my hand. Tugging me behind her she pushed me into the bathroom and turned on me.

"You can not mate with that woman." She says growling at me.

"Em, she's a mate, you know how I feel about that. I will not refuse a mate." Her face crumpled and tears came to her eyes.

"But why her?" I pulled her into my arms.

"Hey, what's this about? Emmy what's wrong, I don't understand." She pulled back.

"You belong to us."

"Yes but she's not going to come in and try to run off with me. I'll still be yours."

"But... it's just that... well she knew you as a kid, she knew your mom, your dad, your life before us. She got to go to school dances and know you. She'll know a side of you that we'll never get to see. How do we compete with that."

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