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Laying her out on the bed I smiled down at her. Her dark hair was wet, twirled and tucked over her shoulder. Her hands fell to lay over her towel wrapped stomach. I bent forward to kiss her. She kissed me back slowly. I wanted, needed more. While her heat seemed to be lighter for her; the smell of her, the feel of her went straight through me and I knew that I was going to have to move this along faster than what I would prefer to with her. I grabbed another condom and rolled it on so I'd be prepared.

"We need to do the claim." She nods.

"Uh, you have many claim marks where should I put it?" I smiled.

"It'll have to be done on my arm." I tell her untucking the towel, slipping it from under her so it can be tossed to the floor. Her face was a little red as she was naked under me. I saw her eyes trail over my body and her lips sucked in and bit as she saw just how large my cock was when I was aroused.

"You fit once you'll fit again right?"

"Yes. And there will be no pain. I'll slide right in like a hand in a glove." She chuckled.

"But how do we... and I bite your arm and you claim me?" I smiled at her blushing face and pulled back and tugged her up with me. I kissed her and caressed her. She wasn't a moaner, didn't make much sound at all really. Just her breathing changed. She took gasping breaths and then stopped breathing as she jerked and came from my ministrations on her body. While she was floating from her orgasm I turned her around and scooted her toward the head board. I knew when she was back with me her lip was being bitten again. Alex had been like this, constantly biting his lip, torturing the poor thing. I spread her legs over my lap as I knelt she was too short to stay up on my knees.

"Uh, what are you doing?" She asked nervously.

"Showing you how we'll accomplish our claim. While you place your mark on my right arm I'll lay the claim on your neck. Up high so when you go back to school everyone will know you are claimed and belong to someone. I'll have yours right there on my arm where everyone can see that I belong to you."

"But how will we make love?" She asks. I slip a hand between us to line my cock up with her entrance.

"Like this." I say and push inside her. She gasps and finally moans. I moved slowly at first. But I needed more, I hoped I wouldn't hurt her as I finally gave in to the need and rose up dumping her forward onto her hands and knees. I pushed inside of her. She gasped and came as I filled her pressing into her. I pressed harder I wanted inside her all the way. I kept pressing. She grunted groaned, moaned and then jerked again as she came once more. I felt her body give as I pressed harder. Her hands dug into the pillows as her back bowed and her head was thrown back. No other mate I had was so responsive. No one came just from the feel of me inside. She was sensitive and if worked right would make any love making a roller coaster ride. When I finally had all of me inside her I gave a sigh of relief.

"Are you alright?" I asked her. Was I too much? Was she in pain?

"I'm... I'm going to cum again." She said quickly and her entire body bucked as she came.

"Better be prepared for more." I pulled back and gave long strokes out to my tip and then pushed in to my hilt. She was so tight and so hot around me.

"Luke, faster...please." I moved faster but kept my movements measured. A sudden kick up in her smell, her heat was demanding more, I felt my control slip. I shoved into her roughly.

"Yes, more." She gasped out. I smiled. I let my reins slip a little and pushed and pulled roughly. As the heat of her body soaked into me, my reins slipped on their own. I began to thrust into her harder. I pulled her up bending her back till I could kiss her. I couldn't be easy as I tongued her and thrusted hard into her over and over again. I shifted my right arm over her chest, palming her breasts she trembled, her hips moving as I slid from the love making into fucking. My right arm wrapped around her chest as I leaned forward. I kept her pressed tight to me as I continued to move my hips but I braced my left hand on the top of the head board and thrusted faster. I could feel her clamp down around my cock as she came, then relax as that orgasm slid away only to begin to tighten again. I had a brief worry to her shifting or passing out. If she shifted there was no way my human cock would fit inside of her. My size in full dog form would be tight but it would fit at least. If she shifted I would have to as well just to keep from hurting her.

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