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When my knot went down and we shifted back I slid from the bed and tucked them back in. I headed for the other suite. I smiled seeing Iggy and Emmy tucked together. In the second bed was Ness and Angie with Lucas tucked between them. A new sleeping dynamic. It was definitely a beautiful sight. But I had other priorities. I went to the bed and slipped in behind Iggy. I would knot Emmy but I'd make sure Iggy got pleasured first. He sighed and came awake as I kissed his shoulders. Running hands up and down his torso.

"Hey. Alex tucked in asleep?" He asked grinning.

"Yes. He wanted to do something different tonight."


"Yeah. From behind." Iggy frowned.

"But he doesn't like that."

"Well apparently watching me do that with Don made him curious about being on the receiving end. It was definitely hot."

"Don't I know it." Iggy says laughing.

"Ooh to bad you are gonna have to wait. I'm all revved for Emmy tonight."

"Then why are you neglecting me." She says rolling over. I laughed and sent a hand over her body.

"Anyone think to grab that can of Reddi-whip?"

"Nightstand." Emmy says smiling. I roll over and get out the can.

"Ooh, now we're going some where." I flip the blankets off of us and coax Iggy to his back. I give and get several deep kisses before he moans. I pull back shaking the can and grinning. I hear a whisper and look over to see the other three awake. Ness chuckles.

"Luke has a kitchen fetish. We broke a kitchen table when the kids were a barely a year old." she says laughing. "We made sure the new one was sturdier."

"the kids ever start wanting to go for sleep overs we'll make sure this one is just as sturdy." I tease. I see Lucas blush. I wink and go back to Iggy. I start at the head of the dragon on his chest and draw whip over it giving it a shirt and pants. Emmy is laughing. I chuckled and started licking. I traced every inch of the dragon. He moaned and grasped at my hips. I chuckled licking the dragon off and slid lower. I laid a line of whip on his cock then began to lick it off. Setting the can aside I took him in my mouth and sucked. He grunted and clutched at the sheets.

"Luke." he moaned my name. I held his cock steady as I licked and kissed at it. I could hear Emmy moaning and saw her writhing next to us. Ness was explaining about the twin link. I knew Iggy was close. Sliding behind his balls to his entrance I push a finger in slowly. He moaned and spread his legs I thrusted in and out with my finger. Covering his cock with my mouth I swirl my tongue around his tip and he explodes. Drinking him down I let him ease as I crawled up and kissed him.

"Are you alright." he laughed.

"After seven years you still ask me that."

"Of course I ask that. I love you. I want to make sure that I've taken care of you. I like seeing you fulfilled and want to make sure I succeeded."

"You succeed every time. Without fail. I love you too by the way."

"Hey I wanna feel the love." Emmy says putting on a fake pout. I crawl over to her and kiss her.

"Oh am I neglecting you?"

"Yes, you bad alpha. Such a nice orgasm but you promised me a knot I think."

"That I did. I'd never break a promise." I kissed her deeply. The can of whip was forgotten as her hands went straight to my ass and dug in. She parted her legs and lifted up her hips.

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