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I chuckle and tug her to me for a kiss.

"You are definitely more than that."

"Oh really? Like what?"

"Our family is like a tree. Everyone of you is a branch, our babies leaves, I'm the trunk holding you up keeping you steady, every little branch every little leaf." I moved back and took my shirt off. I turned so that they could see my back. "Saturday I'm going to get some new branches added." I felt a hand trace a name. I looked it was Emmy. "One branch will get a bloom." I watched over my shoulder as Emmy stepped forward and laid a light kiss over Ness' name.

"Her favorites were Violets. You should do one of those." Emmy suggested.

"Good idea." I slipped my shirt on. "Come on. We've got some little leaves unsupervised and I want to see if Timmy is actually doing school work and not hugging Coco." To my surprise he was. She was sitting perfectly happy next to him coloring while he did his school work. Nate, my book worm, was already done.

"I'm done can I go call Lucian I want to tell him what happened."

"Go ahead. You can use the phone in the living room." He ran off smiling. LJ growled and crumpled up his paper throwing it to the floor. I go around and pick it up smoothing it out and putting it back in front of him. "What's wrong?"

"I don't understand it. I hate math." I sat with him and helped him to understand what multiplication was. Our evening went on like normal. We all headed to bed after the kids were put down. Tomorrow was Friday the kids loved Friday because that meant. Two days off from school were coming.

Our Friday seemed to be getting us back to normal. Until I was called down to the front door by Alex. My heart and breath stopped as I saw it was Doc. He held a polished silver urn in his hands. I retch out with shaking hands and took it.

"I really hope it's okay, I made one adjustment to the urn." I frowned. "You said you didn't want them separated from her. On the base." I lifted it up and noted that around the base was five hearts engraved. One for each son. I swallowed with a lot of difficulty.

"Thank you Bruce." I rarely used the mans name. He was a friend and had been for years but I always called him Doc or Doctor Baker. "I'll be honest I'd been unsure of what to do for them. I like it. Thank you." The man nodded.

"I'll let you get her settled. I wanted to deliver it myself."

"Thank you." I held out my hand. After he left I held the urn carefully as I took it up to my office and set it on the shelf. I looked to Emmy. She was already starting to cry. "I wasn't sure where else to put her but here she's safe and close by." My mates came from all over the house. Alex told them about the etching on the urn.

"It's a good way to do it." Iggy said. His voice thick with emotion. "She'd approve." I nodded and turned away toward my desk. I let them take the time they wanted but I needed to think beyond it or I'd just break down again.

When the kids got home Iggy, Angie and Alex brought them up and showed them the urn and explained. Only the older five understood, Coco was to little. All she knew was that Mama Ness was gone and not coming back.

When I got up Saturday I made sure my family was up fed and ready for the day before I headed toward the mall and the tattoo shop that I used. The same girl still worked there who had started it. She was a were so she was easy to discuss this with.

"April, how are you?" I greeted.

"I'm doing good Luke." I saw her face go solemn. "I'm so sorry about Ness." I smiled as best I could.

The Alpha's Mates: Family is all you needWhere stories live. Discover now