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Honey and Emmy showed up a couple hours after I'd started working. They dug into their own work. Asking me questions here and there. Mid after noon I was responding to a complaint that a group of dogs had been trespassing regularly into a Panther clans territory. I replied saying I would look into the matter and made a note to call the group and if necessary I would send someone to look into the matter. It was things like this that had me thinking I needed some beta's to look into things when I didn't think my own touch was needed.

The wolf council had it's enforcers. Maybe it was time I find one or two dogs that wanted the position. They'd be on the go a lot probably. They would have to be trustworthy. I'd keep an eye out among my pack and groups maybe find one or two that would be able to handle the position and the responsibility.

I hear footsteps and look up to see Ness in the door way.

"Darryl's out front he's asking to speak to you."

"Oh let me guess, Victor again."

"Yep. The little squirt is with him." I sighed and headed downstairs. Out front was the tiger chief enforcer. Angie was already out there chatting with the enforcer. Darryl had a sixteen year old boy by the arm. The boy was the packs problem child. He had been making a nuisances of himself with the tigers by trespassing regularly on their land. I had yet to find out why he was being such a pain. When Darryl saw me coming he gave Victor a shove toward me. Victor wasn't scared so he didn't run over for protection.

"So what did you do this time?" I asked him. He just looked down and away in submission. I looked at Darryl.

"He was caught on the border again. They weren't sure if he was coming or going. They thought it looked like he was waiting for someone or something." I looked at Victor but he had his jaw clenched. I never got a word out of him about why he was doing this.

"My apologies to you and Liz, as well as your people. For all that my pack is a good one, we do seem to have one rotten apple." Victor jerked to look at me. He didn't like that description but it fit him.

"D, next time you should wait and watch him see what he does. Maybe if we find out what's in his head we can do something other than just cart him here." Angie suggested.

"I thought of that but without Luke's permission to use him as bait I didn't want to in case he was harmed."

"You can if he does it again. He's yet to tell me why he's being a pain. Maybe we can figure something out." I turned to Victor. "Unless you want to finally tell me why you are annoying the tigers." I actually saw him cringe a little. He shook his head no. "Alright then. Well we've tried warnings, easy punishments. You are now breaking pack law by choice." He shot a look at me finally a little worried. "Ness it's your job to meet out punishment. What do you think is appropriate?"

"Well, if he were three years older I'd be sending him for a hard sparing session with Don. A few bruises would make him think twice next time. But given he's only sixteen I'm thinking he's going to be my little assistant for awhile. Being pregnant I don't want to overdue so having a little gopher for a few weeks will be helpful. Plus it'll keep him busy enough he can't get in more trouble."

"Maybe you can ferret out what's making him behave like an idiot." I saw him wince. "Alright Victor until further notice you are to help Ness with anything she needs. Even if it's washing dishes or changing coco's diaper. Got it?" He nodded. "I'll remind you that she is not only the lead enforcer and your task master she is my mate and wife, pregnant with my children. I will not have her upset, endangered, or anything else that may impact her or the babies in a negative way. If you do cause harm to her by action or inaction I will take a personal touch in your punishment, understood?" He nodded rapidly fear on his face. I kissed Ness' cheek. She gave me an eye roll and beckoned Victor to follow her. When he was out of ear shot I turned back to Angie and Darryl. "What do you think, too much?" Angie laughed.

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