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I headed to find Iggy. He was with Don and Rance and the triplets. Coco was coloring nearby.

"How did it go?"

"I'm meeting him for pie in about an hour. The diner on Eleventh. We agreed to bring no one with us, he's bringing Isaac. Probably pick him up on the way to the diner. Don I'd like you to drive me. I'm not stupid enough to really trust him quite yet. You'll have to stay in the car but better to have you close by then be alone and suddenly outnumbered."

"You got it."

"I'm going to go up and change clothes. I'd rather have jeans on then slacks.

By the time I change clothes then helped to feed my babies it was time to go.

"You really expecting trouble?" Don asked as we drove.

"No, he hadn't known what his son said. He was calm and collected till then. I think he's going to be embarrassed and probably a little lippy but there's a chance I could be wrong and given our illustrious beginning with the hyena's I'm not taking chances."

"I'll be here and if he gets pissy just give me a wave I'll come get some coffee." The diner had a few people eating. They all looked normal. Ezekiel and, I was assuming the kid with him was Issac, were in a booth near the front glass. I was sure he had his own security around somewhere. I gave Don a reassuring kiss and headed inside. Zeke tried for a welcoming smile but he was annoyed. I also noticed a duffle and backpack under the table.

"Luke, you were right this pie is delicious. I hope you want a piece I ordered you one, and some coffee."

"Thank you." I slid in and sipped the coffee. My eyes strayed to the kid. He was pale and slightly limp. The refusal was really dragging on him. "Did he go to school today?" I asked.

"Yes, I don't except missing unless you have broken legs or are unconscious." he cuffed the boy in the back of the head. "I believe you have something to say." He glared at the table top and lifted his head to look at me his face as blank as a piece of paper.

"I apologize for my remarks about you. I have no reason to believe what I've heard about you is true, let alone pass on those things in hearing distance of your children." I wasn't sure if he'd been told what to say or had come up with that on his own. I was pretty certain though that his father had yelled at him after getting him from school.

"As for my part, I am responsible for him as his alpha and as his father, though I'm not claiming that past today," He what? Was he casting his son out or just not going to claim him as his son anymore. "I apologize for any hurt done to you, your daughter or your mates. Since you seemed to put faith in letters I wrote a formal apology to you and your family." He slid an envelope out of a leather portfolio at his side. "Inside is also the formal letter to Rance. How is he doing really?" Every time I spoke to him he'd asked about Rance. I was starting to believe a little more that he had really cared for Rance.

"He's well, happy. You are welcome to call him to verify for yourself if you'd like. He's a free man. I don't curtail his actions. Though Iggy may want to throw a punch or two if you ever meet in person." Zeke chuckled.

"Well, I doubt he'll ever want to speak to me but I'm glad he's doing well. As for this matter, well this isn't the first time he's done crap like this and frankly I'm tired of it."

"So what are you going to do with him?"

"He's out, I packed his stuff and brought it. I was going to give you first crack at him. It was your family and pack he slandered you might want to try and shape him up, you seem like the type. If not, I'm putting him on a bus to another hyena group. They'll probably give him a chance, which I have no doubt he'll fuck up." The kid turned and looked out the window. Zeke was offering to let me take him in. Did I want a kid like him in my pack? He was a royal jackass, a long litany of troubles he could cause went through my head but there was one thing that I couldn't over look, like it or not he was Kiara's mate. If he was sent off and she continued to refuse him he would die. He was an omega and no matter his attitude he didn't have the strength to live through the rejection. I had to trust that goddess wouldn't mate my daughter to a hopeless case.

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