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I was let into the Hyena house easily. Zeke came in to the sitting room where I was, he was laughing.

"No give backs. You took him I don't want him back."

"No I could see how, after beating him for months, raping him repeatedly you might lose interest." I say, my pup was full in my body, we were pissed and I was just waiting for the challenge to be officially done before I let my pup out. Zeke's face went dark.

"I see he's added lying to his list of crimes." I gave a barking laugh.

"Jeez, do you really expect me to believe that. After Rance, Brice, and Tommy. You really think I'd believe anything you said." Zeke snorted.

"Eh, well it was worth a shot. So what, you've come to wag your finger at me and act like my father."

"No. Let me do this very officially." I looked at the four guards in the room. Two on each door. "You all know what rules are in place for a challenge. Interfering in any way is punishable by immediate and unquestioning death."

"Are you challenging me?" Zeke asked. I looked at him. Gone was his humor at me and he was taking it all very seriously.

"Let me make it official. I here by challenge you to the death, for your pack." he didn't say anything. If he refused the challenge I won by default. If he accepted then we would fight. "Do you accept, or do you want to save your miserable life and forfeit."

"Hmm, this is not an easy decision. You are much bigger than I am and younger, I know I would be no match for you but can I really live knowing that I had just submitted to you? It would be known far and wide. I would be a coward and pariah to all shifters. I guess I accept. I would rather die fighting then live as a coward." He shifted and jumped at me. But I had been ready. I let the shift to half shape flow and used his own momentum to toss him clear of me. Those sparing session I'd done with Don were going to pay off now. He was relentless as he pressed again and again. He'd wear himself out soon if he kept this up.

"Fight damn you." He growled at me.

"Why expend the energy when you will tire yourself out and I can claim victory over your passed out form."

"Coward." He accused. I laughed.

"Say it if it will make you feel better but the men watching this know better. Of the two of us who do you think they are rooting for?" He growled and lashed at me with his claws. I stepped back then stepped back again.

"Fight you coward. Fucking prick. Think you are just hot shit don't you, goddess blessed, ten mates, kids galore. That little bastard you took in isn't my son. I took his mother on vacation I don't know who she slept with since it was just us on that trip, no guards even, but he's not mine. I can't have kids. Never could. I was just a teenager when I got sick and it was found out that for some reason I was denied the chance for children of my own. My body is damaged and has been all my life."

"Maybe goddess knew what a bastard you'd be and didn't want you to pass it on." That made him mad, he growled and jerked to try for my throat. He over stepped. I kicked out taking his legs from under him and dropped my weight to pin him to the floor. He gave a sound as I sat on his back. I took his throat in my claws.

"Are you the only one who's ever had sex with him?" I asked.

"Of course I am, I took his damn cherry and I threatened the lives of my pack if they touched him. When I was done I figured I'd put him in the Harem where an omega should be and let everyone have my sloppy seconds." Isaac had told me he'd been the only one but I'd asked because I wanted him to realize something before I killed him.

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