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I take Alex and Honey to their bed and don't have to say a word they just strip and lay out on the bed for me. I stand at the end of the bed looking at them.

"Anything wrong?" Honey asks.

"Nope just enjoying the view." Bending down to their bellies I give them each kisses. One in each mate. "I love you my girls." Alex and Honey each run a hand through my hair. "Louise and Honora."


"Didn't I tell you about that?"

"That you'd named our daughter without me? No."

"Well when Ethan told me she was going to be a shaman like him he called her Louise. Though I'm not sure where we were supposed to get the name." Honey smiled.

"It's my mothers name. I had thought about it but I wasn't sure what you would think?'

"I think it's beautiful. Louise and Honora. I'm thinking they'll get treated like twins a lot." I bent over them running hands over their baby bellies. "I love seeing you pregnant. Knowing that there are little babies, right in here," I run the hands over them again, "that not to far from now I'm going to get to hold and kiss and love. They are going to be loved and spoiled and probably annoyed by their older and younger siblings. The dreaded middle children syndrome. We'll have to make sure that doesn't happen."

"It could never happen with you as their father." Honey says. I slip over her and kiss her. The kiss is fluid coming and going, changing. When she breaks the kiss I see her lick her lips.

"I want you both inside me."

"Ooh, yummy, a honey cake sandwich. Better let me get him ready for you." I say grinning. I slip over to him. He kisses me as he laughs. It's not long till that laugh turns to moans. I loved that he was so loose with his sounds now. I licked down his hairless chest to the cock that was as smooth as a babies butt. I licked and sucked at his balls, then slipped my tongue out just to the tip and flicked at it over and over I know Honey is feeling all of this and I know that I've got them stirred up and if I'm right they'll both orgasm as Alex and I push inside Honey. This was going to be good. I was going to get multiples tonight. I slipped back to the other side of Honey. I turn her so she's facing Alex. I press into her ass as he lines up and sinks into her pussy. Her dark skin bracketed by my tan and Alex's creamy white. I pull her milky chocolate hair to the side so I can kiss behind her ear and suck at the skin. Alex is just short enough he can duck his head and suck at the tight skin over her collar bone. Honey cries out and she breaks cumming, pulling Alex into orgasm with her. I roll them up so Honey is over Alex with him still inside of her. I press back inside of her and I move fast. I don't get rough but I keep my pace to a racing speed. I feel little orgasms go off as she tightens and relaxes around me over and over again. I know that Alex will be doing the same under her.

"Luke, I'm losing it, I'm gonna shift." Alex says. He was an omega and if things got overwhelming he was the first to shift. Honey was tied to him and would go with him. I need him. I pull out of Honey and tip them to the side, flipping around I slip inside Alex and go back to my racing pace. Honey cries out. It was always more for the second in the sets, since I wasn't actually touching them.

"Alex, my Alex. Tell me you love me."

"I do. I love you. More than anything."

"If I decide to get pregnant again I want it to be yours." His eyes jerk to mine as I look over his shoulder. "When it happens I want them to be yours." I say as I stare into him and thrust over and over again. "Will you?"

"Yes, whenever you want. I love you."

"I love you my Alex." I thrust hard several times and cum, we all shift. Honey and I to our half shapes, Alex to full shape. I loved seeing him like this. Seeing him out of control from making love to me. I'm knotted deep inside Alex. Honey starts to move away from Alex but then stills. Her grinning face tells me he's knotted as well.

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