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My mates are all in the kitchen as we come in.

"Look, he lives." Angie teases.

"Welcome to the club." Lucas says to Jenny.

"We are thinking of t-shirts. 'Harem a la Luke.'" Honey throws in.

"Maybe we should do tattoo's. I need a new one." Iggy says. I roll my eyes and head for the fridge.

"So Jenny, what do you like for breakfast?" I ask.

"I usually stick to cereal, and isn't it actually lunch time."

"Very true. We have various meats, I'll avoid the poultry, that just seems to be in poor taste to eat. What do you like? I can fix anything I'm sure we have it." She's smiling at me sweetly when I look at her. "What?" I ask.

"Avoiding the poultry?"

"Well it just has a new connection with it. Not sure I'll be able to do it, or eggs for that matter." She smiles.

"How about some tuna salad, can you work that?"

"I have some ready. My own personal recipe." I brag and set it on the table. I pull out condiments, veggie's and dip for them. I listen to as we eat I notice that my mates are unusually happy with the new addition. When I'm done with two sandwiches I reach over and pluck Coco from her seat.

"How are you Coco bean. Do you like your lunch?"

"Yes." I tickle her chin and she cuddles into my chest. I love my kids. More than I thought I would. I tune back into the conversation when I hear my eldest daughters name.

"Kiara was very unhappy to be going to school. She does not want to chance seeing Isaac."

"Ten bucks says she's starving when she gets home because she avoids the cafeteria." Rance says.

"I'll take that bet, no way does my little alpha back down from a crazy hyena omega." Iggy says. I chuckle. I was with him. Kiara was to much an alpha to let a little fear of an omega make her alter her behavior.

"Daddy." I looked down at Coco, very rarely did she actually call me daddy, she was all about the non verbal communication.

"Yes, Coco bean?"

"I love you." I was floored. Never previous to this had she said that. She gave hugs and kisses a plenty that said it for her but she'd actually said the words.

"I love you too Coco." I looked up at Honey who was sitting next to me. She was teary eyed watching us. I kissed my daughters cheek and tears prick my eyes. Kids could be mean, petty, annoying, self serving and worse at times but that was youth. Times like this you forgave all they put you through because you know that they really do love you, lock, stock, and barrel. The room was silent. They'd paid attention when she'd called me daddy. I looked at Jenny. "Welcome to the family Jen." We lingered for an hour before I handed off my daughter, kissed my triplets then all of my mates and headed for my office. I had a very unpleasant phone call to make. As I sat behind my desk I heard Iggy's voice from the doorway.

"By the way. Brice is healing well, so is Tommy. Both men are incarcerated, per Alex's orders, in the clinic. He said another day and he'd let them move to bedrooms. He is insisting on two separate bedrooms since he doesn't think they'll pay attention to the no sex rule on their own."

"I tend not to."

"Which is why he thinks they won't." He says laughing.

"So how did it go last night? Rance was enjoying himself, but every so often he'd get this very concerned look on his face. When I asked he'd shrug it off saying you were being a worry wort again. What were you worrying about?" I waved him in. He stepped in and closed the door. Coming over he sat on the edge of my desk next to me.

The Alpha's Mates: Family is all you needWhere stories live. Discover now