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"Oh boy look at that face. You'd think we'd just told him that he'd won the lottery." Ness said laughing.

"I did. I just hit the baby jack pot. I don't suppose it's been long enough to take tests and know for certain?"

"Well you usually only need a couple days. It's possible to find out." I gave them grins. They both giggled.

"While you are tied up we'll go take those tests." Emmy says. She and Angie start to head out of the room. I felt a shift under me and Iggy's eyes flutter open.

"He's waking up." Emmy's quick to hurry back over. He looks up at me.

"Hi there. How do you feel?" he yawns and slips his hands over my shoulder.

"Pretty good are you still knotted?"

"Yes." He look around at the others watching us.

"I don't mind spectators but I think this is a little much. Why are you all not in bed?"

"Iggy, it's after nine, the next morning." He frowned and looked at me. I nodded.

"I don't understand." I explained what happened and what Ephraim said. Running a hand over his cheek I kissed him lightly.

"I told them what happened. About the baby." His eyes teared up and he looked around at my other mates.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He said. The girls were immediately shaking their heads.

"No Iggy. It's not your fault. You couldn't have prevented it or known it would have happened." Emmy retch over and pinched him hard.

"Ow. What was that for?" He asked rubbing his arm.

"For closing your links, for not telling me. I could strangle you. We have been through to much together to act like this." She bent and kissed his cheek. "Come on Iggy you are my twin, you are closer to me than anyone in the entire world."

"I'm sorry. I won't do it again, I promise."

"You better not." She said and wiped her face. "So Angie and I were just heading to take pregnancy tests."


"Well after Ephraim said that all the times this occurred this kind of thing led to pregnancy," Iggy grinned at that. He really wanted to be pregnant. I was thrilled with the prospect. "It was pointed out that if Angie and I were pregnant which is totally possible, then all seven of us who can get pregnant will be and that means lots of babies in a few months. So we were going to check and see." He chuckled and looked at me.

"We are going to need some nannies."

"Hmm, maybe I should just find another mate or two to help."

"Hey whatever works." He says laughing. The two went off to take the test. My mates, with the stress over most went off to do things. Don had to head to work. I watched him as he left. I was a little worried. He was my mate as well. But he couldn't be pregnant. It wasn't possible. Would this bother him, being left out? I'd talk to him later. Suddenly I remember his and Lucas' link.

"Lucas, Don can you wait a second." They both came back over.

"We never discussed that twin link." I pointed out. Don nodded. Lucas was looking at me curiously. I hesitated.

"Uh, Iggy do you think we can change positions. This is kind of hard to accomplish anything."

"What do you suggest." I need to sit up.

"Wrap your legs around me and hold tight." He did. I lifted up with him holding tight to me. I turned and managed to sit with him in my lap. A bit of adjusting to be comfortable. "That's better." I look at Lucas.

The Alpha's Mates: Family is all you needWhere stories live. Discover now