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It was a rough hand that had me waking in the morning. I looked up to see Iggy. I darted up looking around.

"What time is it?"

"Seven thirty. You are late getting up because you didn't plug your phone in last night and it went dead so your alarm didn't go off. Why are you sleeping by yourself?" he asked frowning at me.

"You were all asleep so peaceful. I didn't want to risk waking you. I gotta get in the shower." I slid up kissed him quick and headed for the bathroom. He followed me in and watched me strip and get in the shower. I gave a half smile.

"Gonna watch me shower? I have a better idea. Join me." He chuckled.

"You don't have time for a knot and shift." yeah another little benefit of my Luna Link. Anytime I made love to them with penetration I knotted and we would shift. It took around two hours for that to go away. I had to leave pretty quick to make the flight.

"Guess I'm just gonna have an uncomfortable flight." as I soaped up and washed I looked at him. "Two months ago, you were in here with me, wet. In more than one way. The water trailing over those tattoos as I caressed your body." my length began to fill. I rinsed and turned to face him as I began to stroke my cock. "Your cock in my hand as I thrusted in and out of you." he stepped forward and pushed the clear curtain out of the way. He dropped his knees to the side of the tub and pushed my hand away before taking me into his mouth.

I gave a grunt and moan.

"Iggy." I moaned out his name. His palm slipped over my cock, then my balls. I felt him smile as his hand slid back and he began to tease my entrance. I spread my legs and he pressed into my hole. I grunted, groaned and spilled into his mouth. Obviously last night hadn't been enough if I was that quick to come. Iggy licked me clean and stood smiling.

"I think we've left you on your own to much lately. When you get home we'll fix that for you. Six mates, knotted one after the other. Two hour come down. At least an hour to get you knotted. That's a good eighteen nineteen hours. You'll have to eat in bed with us."

"Mm," I moaned my length getting hard again. "Chocolate syrup, whipped cream, honey, with cherry's on top." my kitchen fetish was coming back around. He laughed.

"You don't have time for more. You need to get dressed. Alex packed your suitcase this morning for you. It's already downstairs. Angela is up and eating breakfast. I'll make you an egg sandwich to eat on the way." I watched him leave. The thought of Angela, led to what I'd done last night, led to guilt and shame and a deflation of my hard on. I was hurrying when I got downstairs. I grabbed six quick kisses then gave five, one to each of my kids, before grabbing my suitcase. Iggy would drive us to the airport. Because I'd gotten up late I was now making us run to catch the plane. At the ramp to the plane I turned to Iggy and gave him a quick deep kiss.

"Behave, and try not to get into any fights." he told me. "We love you."

"I love you too." I hurried to the gate and gave him one last wave. I saw him smile then his eyes flick to Angela who was waiting for me. Did he know? I wondered but I couldn't stop and think about it. We had to board. When we were safely on the plane and ready to go I took a deep breath and tried not to smell the wonderful aroma of my traveling companion.

"Your mates are great. Not to mention your kids. That Kiara she's a handful I bet. Nate is such a little sweety. LJ, that boy is gonna be the one who has girls trailing him all his life. Little Ethan, such a cute little thing. He is so smart and so wonderful. Coco, okay I have to ask is she called Coco because she looks like a coco bean? Honey is her mom, so she's coco?" I laughed.

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